Trail stop #4 and 5, check!

I got another two notches in the belt of interview season by flying for a quick trip down and back to Orange, California and then on to Rhode Island later the same week.

My flight was around lunch time, so of course that meant I had to break out my usual "vacation" meal (and one which I will become very familiar with over this season): PB&J!
I left Seattle in 49 degrees and pouring rain and I arrived to palm trees, blue skies and sunshine!
After a bit of a struggle identifying the location of the rental car desk, I was off and running with my ride for the next 24 hours. Somehow I don't think the red suits me, but I went "zoom zoom" anyway
I was welcomed graciously into the home of a great friend of a classmate of mine (it's only the beginning of me staying with people who know people who know people). The place was literally a stones throw from the medical center so I was able to tour around and see some of the hospital grounds as well as Long Beach where the pre-interview dinner was held.
Check out these two photos taken from the exact same intersection--one is of the med center entrance, the other, the OUTLET MALL entrance--how could I get any work done knowing there's a sale going on at banana republic? ;)

While it took a lot of self control not to turn into the outlet mall, I kept myself and bay and headed out to Long beach to see the sunset before dinner. It was beautiful
The photos never do it justice!
I enjoyed a lovely evening in the home of one of the residents surrounded by some new faces. But I am also starting to see some repeat faces during these events :) And after a day of interviews the following day, just like that, it was all over. Once again, I found myself EXHAUSTED despite only having sat on a plane, ate dinner and driven around southern california for less than 24 takes it out of you! I was relieved to get to the airport nice and early to find this wonderful work space to respond to some emails, make additional travel arrangements, and catch up on life for the past 24 hours. 

Once I got home, I was able to sleep soundly, that's for sure!! I made it home just in time for a rainy good time-- the UW football game :). And this time the tailgate wasn't just any tailgate, it was the annual chili cook off!
There were 10, count them, TEN entries this year (more than ever before so I'm told). We were tasked with trying ALL of them. You can imagine that if you let yourself have bigger eyes than your stomach that by the 4th or 5th sampling you are feeling quite full!

But, we had to persevere because this beautiful trophy was on the line and we had to taste them all to ensure that the votes went fairly to the best one out there. 
With full stomachs in the rain, the victor, Roy was crowned (with question of possible bias because he is the host of the tailgate). Schuler, as they call him proudly took home the trophy. 
Then we settled in for a WET football game. It's as if we were in Seattle or something :)
I was pleased to go home to be able to have a cup of tea and dry off. 

The next morning we were in for another treat -- my parents were in town for the day before I flew out on the red eye to Rhode Island. We had grand plans of going outdoors for a walk but given the pouring rain at the beginning of the day, we found ourselves at a fun place to walk anyway--IKEA 
We came out empty handed but full of ideas for when we own a home (or rent more than a one bedroom apartment) some day. 
Then, the sun came out and we could actually go for that walk we intended 
And found some GIANT evidence that fall is here for sure 
After the walk we only had a few short hours before I had to leave for the east coast, so we dined in style at a place called paquitos, a Mexican restaurant in Capitol Hill that has been on our bucket list. Well, it was worth the wait! They had the BEST fish tacos and spicy shrimp. Delicious 
And of course, we had to stop in at the pie bar for dessert 
With that, I was off for a fitful nights sleep on board a flight to Rhode Island. I had the final row, so no ability to recline my seat, but it wasn't too bad. I had a quick pit stop in DC and just enough time to fuel up with breakfast so I could hit the ground running in providence. I felt right at home boarding a small plane on the Tarmac in 32 degree temps just like Montana 

I then found a glorious hour of shut eye in my connecting flight and was greeted by the ocean state with blue skies and sunshine!
A quick stop at my hotel to drop my bags and I was off on foot to explore providence
I was lucky enough to be given a "harbor view room" which I shared with a co-applicant that I met later that day. Look at the view! It was a quick 2+ mile walk to downtown providence where I found the independence trail. It's a touring trail marked with a painted green line all throughout the city. In theory you can stop along the way and make a call on your cell phone to learn about that spot, but alas, the phone system was "being updated" so I just got to look and take it all in that way.
Once downtown I made it to the state building and my co-applicant that I was room sharing with got into town and picked me up in her rental car so we could share a meal together and get to know one another and all about our experiences in the trail!
We dined at an adorable place called the garden grille. Let me tell you, if you ever feel like a new way to enjoy butternut squash, hit them up for a butternut squash quesadilla. It might sound a bit unorthodox, but trust me, it's GOOD! After lunch we separated ways again and I was off on foot to explore another part of town. I came across this gorgeous park that reminded me of Point defiance park in Tacoma, just much smaller.
As if I wasn't enjoying my time enough, I found just what I needed to know that perhaps I could move across the country and live here: a big community garden! Who knows how long the wait list is here (and believe me I thought about inquiring and putting my name on it because if it's a two year wait like it is in Seattle, it might be worth it... But then I thought that might be jumping the gun a bit)
I discovered a cute little shopping district, Wayland square and for a second, just a second, I thought maybe there was some Husky pride popping up in Rhode Island...but no, just the logo for the shopping district
Look at these homes!!!
About 22000 steps later, I felt great but exhausted but also simultaneously ready to go to dinner with the residents of the program. Again, I'm not sharing any specifics about the program (I have to keep some suspense in this process right?) but we had a great time. 

The interview day wrapped up around 4 pm and another applicant also had another night to spend in Providnce, so we joined together to head out to a local Italian restaurant that all the residents said was good eatin', a place called Al Forno. I continued my fall themed eating and had some pumpkin mac and cheese 
Followed by some dessert. They told us as we were about to order our entrees that all of the desserts are made to order so if we wanted dessert we were asked to order it with our entrees. They hand churn the ice cream while you eat your dinner. So, we couldn't resist the opportunity to have that! We had a tough choice to make but decided on a giant ice cream sandwich with coconut ice cream and a vanilla bean drizzle. I'll let you decide if you think it was good :)
With that, I was able to head back to the hotel for a leisurely night of rest and relaxation --something I wasn't used to with all the other interview trips this far! When morning hit I had time to head to the hotel gym to get a qquick work out in, fuel up again with some oatmeal (not as fancy as the starbucks oatmeal when you bring a packet from home and use the coffee maker in your room for a hot water source...and you don't have a spoon...). 
I got to see a new airport on the way home - Detroit Michigan. It looked lovely in Michigan with sunny skies and temps in the mid-50s, but I was more than ready to get home.
I had to switch airlines for my second leg, so that meant I had to exit the airport, take a shuttle, and go through security again in order to find my way to the right gate, bound for Seattle. Once again, I was very grateful for my TSA pre-check status!
So now I'm home to do laundry, rest and doing some prep work for the next adventure. I'll be on the road for 8-11 or maybe even 14 days. Why a span of days? Because I don't yet know how/when I'm coming home. My final destination is DC and I may be sticking around for an interview in Boston (but there has to be movement on the waitlist for that to occur) or I may be flying back into Billings, MT to spend Thanksgiving with my family, or I may be flying into Seattle. It's weird to think of leaving the house without knowing how/when I'm coming home, but maybe I'll figure that out today before I leave :). What I do know is that I'll be going from LA to San Diego to Baltimore to DC. Whew! Now to go figure out how to pack 8--14 days worth of clothing (for Southern California and New England climates) into a carry on bag. Can it be done? I'm about to find out!
