Southern California Dreamin'

After a wonderful (albeit short) time at home, I was off and running again on the road. This time my destination was Los Angeles. And, I knew when I arrived that I'd have a much more leisurely trip than what has become my usual interview trip. Oh, and by the way, I was able to fit everything i needed (I think) into a carry on size bag. Yay me! Okay, so the purse is overly full...but seriously, I feel like it's still a win!
I flew in on Friday, had a pre-interview dinner that evening and then interviewed on Saturday and then got to spend the night in LA before driving down to San Diego the following day. 
Apparently the rental car agencies think that I belong in a red vehicle:
All in all, I don't mind which color it is, because it's wheels that allow me to come and go as I please! This trip I also had the luxury of interviewing at the same time as my dear friend Barbara...and yet I managed to NOT get a photo with her on my's a shame becuase we got to enjoy happy hour together (along with two other applicants) before our dinner at this gorgeous outdoor venue:
It might not look like much in the photo, but trust me, it was delightful. 

Okay, Barbara might hate me for this, and I'm giving away a secret of mine to do so...but I think it's worth it. I take photos on the tours of the hospitals so that I can keep them straight in my mind. I dont post those photos for the sake of keeping all this stuff "secret" :) for me to job my memory and help me figure out what I like/dont' like about a program. I generally "shoot from the hip" so as to not be "that girl" that's taking photos on the tour like a total nerd...but hey, it helps me. Anyway, my point is that I got an amazing surprise when I was going through the photos after the interview--I got a shot with Barbara, almost like I intended to take the photo, all by chance while shooting from the hip :) Look how poised and professional she is!! Unlike me, who's serruptitiously snapping photos on my phone ;) 

The interview day, as usual, went by exceptionally fast and then it was back to my "home" for the night in Hollywood where my graciosu hosts, Paul and Ellyn Cheng were letting me crash on their couch. To give you an idea of how amazing this is....recognize that Paul and Ellyn got married a month ago and barely have had time to settle into their new home as a married couple let alone be ready for house guests. Regardless of this, they welcomed me with open arms. They had the MOST COMFORTABLE couch I've ever slept on--dare I say it, it was the BEST nights sleep I've had on the interview trail so far! We enjoyed a lovely home made meal together and then Ellyn treated me with her homemade chocolate chip cookies :). Once again, no photos...sorry. 

Then I got to have a pleasant drive down the 101 highway on my way to San Diego. I stopped by Newport beach, Laguna beach and San Calimente. My indulgence, thanks to my Grandma Bolwer who provided me funds to do so, was to stop at the infamous Ruby's shake shack right off the highway for a fabulous burger, fries and milkshake--with a view!
Every single sip of this oreo milkshake made all the calories worth it!
After a day of touring beaches and beach towns I arrived at my next "home" for a few days, with a dear family friend of my aunt. I was met with a gorgeously manicured lawn and this adorable pooch, named Lucy! I love her!
She looks sad here, but it's only because it's nearing bed time and she's sleepy :). 
This morning I took a jog down to the waterfront (I mean, I had to burn off that burger and milkshake somehow right?). My feet felt like lead but it was GORGEOUS. 
It's the beach in Carlsbad, just a half hour north of San Diego. The little town is so adorable, and makes me really feel like I'm on vacation. 
after the run I was off and exploring again. I drove down to San Diego to scope out the interview site as well as the surrounding neighborhoods. It is BREEZY in San Diego right now (and roughly 65 degrees) but it is beautiful 

This is me on the pier in front of the maritime museum. I also came across some landmarks that I thought Tom would find interesting -- the home of the san Diego Padres original stadium (which eventually became termite infested and had to be torn down)

I just wandered the pier until I was windblown a nd ready for some warmth. I found some in La Jolla (just a few miles north of downtown San Diego) at an adorable coffee shop. It feels a bit weird to sit fireside in southern california, but it is nearly Thanksgiving after all :)
I have a smile on my face, a warm drink in my tummy and a wave of relaxation as I just enjoy the sites adn sounds without having to run to a dinner or a flight or an interview :) I could get used to this! I have all day to explore tomorrow until my pre-interview dinner at 7 pm, so I might be checking out the Botanical gardens or I may just be lounging at home for a bit, to enjoy the time off (okay, so ALL of this interview trail is time off, but it's hard work people! No judging me for wanting to sit in sweat pants and read or something :). 
