A Halloween that was forgotten

So here we are, nearing Thanksgiving and I realized that I never posted about Halloween! What a shame! Since this is my online record book that I love to go back and read every New Years, I'm posting about it, even though it's ridiculously late. 

Tom LOVES Halloween. It's always tricky though when it comes to costumes. Do you go all out and do a couples costume? Is it too silly to do that? Well, wether it was silly or not, we decided to dress as the two lead characters, Owen and Claire, from Jurrasic World. Now, if you've never seen the film, then our costumes will mean nothing to you, but if you have, hopefully you can see the resemblence of our costumes. 
To dress as Claire, I had to find a way to make myself a red hed and a wig at Goodwill was just the ticket :). I've never worn a wig before and I can't say I'm a fan of the experience. It was itchy and kept falling back on my head exposing my blonde hair underneath. This is about the only photo where the bangs were at the appropriate level on my forehead, not up by the crown of my head. 
One of the iconic features that I had to have (and which made me far less comfortable for the halloween themed volleyball match we attended in cosutme) were the skin-toned heels. For some idiotic reason, my character was wearing them all through the movie, running around the forest being chased by dinosaurs in heels. Not realistic, but made for a key feature of my cotume. For Tom, his key featurs were a vest and some kind of weapon. We wanted to find him a gun that matched the one from the movie, but then thought better of it when we recognized that we were goign to a college campus. Even though we were looking at nerf guns painted bright orange so they were obviously fake, we didn't want to mess around with anything that even remotely looked like an actual gun. With all the gun violence on campuses across the country (and all too close to home) it wasn't worth it. So, we opted for a plastic knife, compliments of the Dollar Tree ;)
Tom looked spot on in my opinion for the character. He donned a vest that served two purposes - to complete the costume AND root on the Huksies. We found a carhart vest with a Husky "w" embroidered on the chest. It was perfect. And I think Tom pulled off the iconic stance from the movie quite well as he protected himself against some imaginary dinosuars --don't you think?
For those of you that haven't seen the movie, I'll let you see the resemblence with the film. 
And, in case you didn't know, this stance became quite the internet sensation. People posted memes all over the internet of different people and things posed in this position. This one was my all time favorite:
How cute is that??
Anyway, we were all set for the game that turned out to be pretty epic as we took down the undefeated USC Trojans with our friends Candace and Craig (who also came in costume...we were almost the only ones to come in costume...)

And, my mom is right (when is she not?), I do NOT make a good red head. Don't worry, I have no intention of ever going red!
We put the costumes away and set out on Holloween night the next night for something a little non-traditinoal. A halloween football game, STARTING at 8 pm on holloween....it was a heated debate about whether or not that kind of start time was fair or appropriate for the players and families and fans to endure, but it didn't matter that it was debated, that's when the game went down. It was nearly pitch black so I don't have much in the way of photos, but here's a glimpse of the delicious pumpkin pie themed rice crispy treats that Judy Craven made to go with a pot of piping hot chicken tortilla soup.
It was a great tailgate but one we all wished we could have enjoyed slightly earlier in the evening. We tore down the set up around 7:45 pm and followed the crowd into the stadium.  
The night time settting felt very festive for Halloween night and made for a good viewing of the pumpkin carving!
Go Dawgs!
Speaking of pumpkins, we were able to carve some this year too with our friends John and Bri. Tom's was the puniiisher and mine was linus with the great pumpkin from Charlie Brown. 

Ok, I feel better now. Halloween wasn't totally forgotten :)
