A different kind of labor day

Often over Labor Day weekend I'm spending my time soaking in as many of the last few moments of sunshine that I can. This weekend it's turned out to be a bit different. 

First off, I accomplished a big thing on my to-do list last week. I decided that I'm going to be an OB/GYN. It has been (by far) the hardest decision I've ever made. After going through my wishes and goals for the future and what I enjoyed most in medical school it seemed to align well. There WILL be challenges in the field. I'm signing up for a lot of night shifts during residency, I'm going into a field that has a lot of female providers and sometimes working with only females creates a difficult working environment, and, if I choose to have a predominately obstetric practice, I'll have crazy hours. However, it will allow me to have immense variety in my work day (and work week for that matter), to be able to provide both primary care and surgical care for women, and to be constantly reminded of the joy of new life. Thank you all for your support and love through med school thus far. And I thank you in advance for your support during my next journeys: interviews and residency.

Tom and I spent much of the weekend going over the programs with competitive OB/GYN residency programs and we've come up with a list of programs all over the country that I'll be applying to and we'll see how it all shakes out this interview season (October-December). I'll have a lot more updates between now and then, I'm sure. 

When I wasn't glued to the computer, I was celebrating love and happiness with our friend (and my bridesmaid) from undergrad, Allison Craven. Or, as we call her, Al.

 She and the love of her life tied the knot after being together for nine years.
 The ceremony site was beautiful and so incredibly true to her and Gentry.

 And her brother Russ made quite a handsome member of the bridal party.
 I loved this moment above the crowd of Al hugging her dad.
 Then there were rings, right as the sun started shining through the trees on what started out as sort of a cloudy/dreary day in Seattle.
 And we showered them in rose petals as they left to go get photos taken. 
 I loved their guest book idea

 And, in case anyone thought this wedding was anything short of Allison and Gentry's personality--they kept it alive by both wearing custom Nike shoes with the date of the wedding embroidered on the tongue of the shoe under their dresses.
while we were enjoying the drinks and appetizers after the ceremony, I happened to find myself in love with the cutest little 3 month old I've ever seen. I got to meet little Lydia, the daughter of one of Al's classmates from PT school. 

They welcomed us to the reception with a wonderful tribute to the wedding party, friends and family (something that made Tom and us realize we definitely fell short on during our wedding--so take this as a very late thank you!)
 The wedding fell on the same night as the first Husky Football game of the season. So, while there is a lot of events happening at a wedding, there's down time tucked in here and there and when that was happening, Tom was sure to keep us all updated on how it was going (in case you didn't recognize them from before, Allison's parents are the ones we often tailgate with at the Husky games, so they were curious about the score too :)

 Allison's Dad, Dean, gave a speech that nearly brought the whole room to tears.
 It's a blurry photo but I was so pleased to see this on the table with all of their gorgeously decorated cupcakes -- Funfetti cake! I knew I liked Al for a reason: )
 If Dean's speech didn't make me cry, then the father-daughter dance nearly did me in!
 We danced the night away in the a gorgeous setting at the Hall at Fauntleroy
 Look at this happy family!
 And they all had converse to match (well, except Dean who was sporting purple and gold in honor of the Husky game).
 The game came down to the wire and we were huddled around a smart phone at one point. The Huskies lost, but it couldn't take away from the joy of the evening.
 And last night after a whole day of preparing my application materials we caught the first UW volleyball game of the season against the Canadian national team.
I have a lot of life to catch up on in the next week, and fortunately I have the week off to do it! I have doctors appointments, meetings with mentors, oil changes to get done, textbooks to sell and ship, etc etc. I'll be sure to update you as the trail to residency evolves. It's going to be a wild ride.
