A day of Husky Football

As tradition has it, the first home game of the season for Husky Football turned out to be one of the most gorgeous days of summer. It was an 11 AM kick off so we were in for a treat: a morning tailgate! Here's a breakdown of our day:

8:00 AM - Dressing in our Husky gear and packing up eggs, peppers, onions and cheese for the omelet-themed tailgate.
 8:25 AM - Out the door and ready to hit the Burke Gilman Trail for our 3.2 mile walk to the stadium.
 8:25:25 - As usual, Deanna forgets her sunglasses (or something else important...not sure what) in the apartment and has to run back to get it.
 8:27 AM - Ok, now we can leave! For real this time.
 8:30 AM - On the Burke and ready for the gorgeous morning stroll to Husky Stadium
 9:00 AM - approximately 1.2 miles in, we reached the fork in the road right by the Metropolitan Market. Our "Malikie" pace meant we passed this adorable couple on our way.
 9:34 AM - We reach "E-1", the tailgating parking lot on the North side of the stadium.
 9:40 AM - We made it to the parking lot of choice and were in search of our tailgate crew, the Craven family who have graciously let us crash their party for the past 4 years.
 10:00 AM - We were in the omelet line with master chef Dean Craven behind the griddles.
 10:15 AM - We picked from the amazing Norwhestern spread, which included smoked salmon and fresh crab, to fill our omelet
 10:30 AM - We feasted on the final product!
 10:45 AM - We're stuffed and ready for the game to begin!
 10:50 AM - As the sirens began to beckon us to the stadium, we walked with Dean and Judy to the stadium. We split ways as Tom and I entered through the Dawg Pack entrance (the student entrance).
 10:55 AM - We took our seats and settled in for a great game.
 11:42 AM - It felt much warmer than our phone told us that it was. But supposedly it was 72 degrees.
 By half-time, a lot of the students had left to get a break from the sun so we were able to stretch out and take a rest. 
2:05 PM - The game wasn't quite over, but we were up 49-0 so we decided it was time to beat the heat.  We joined hundreds of Husky fans on the walk home. 

 2:45 PM - We passed Children's Hospital and were craving some cool water :)
 3:30 PM - We arrived home enjoyed some V8 Fusion juice poolside. A wonderful end to the UW victory and possibly the warmest day remaining in 2015.
Tomorrow: the first regular season Seahawks game and prepping for the week ahead as I make the final touches on my residency application that is due on Tuesday morning at 6 AM!
