The close of summer

The month of August was a very busy one. I had a full month of Urology with 2 weeks at Seattle Children's and 2 weeks at the University of Washington. There were times that I was working at 3:30 AM - 8 PM for more than 2 days in a row. It was a beast! But, despite all that, we had time to celebrate a momentous occasion in our lives-- 6 years of marriage! 

I worked that morning but got off by 5 PM so we were able to go out for a lovely dinner in Seattle at the Edgewater Hotel's restaurant called Six-Seven. As the hotel's name implies, it is literally right on the edge of the water. It's was an incredible view. It was slightly smoky (not nearly as bad as the smoke in Montana though, I know).
 The seafood was incredible! I enjoyed an amazing salmon steak with a blackberry-honey glaze.
 Tom had a steak with a side of incredible potatoes.
 It was such a lovely break from wearing scrubs and sitting under fluorescent lights all day!
 It was a lovely conclusion to a hectic week.
 For dessert we were tempted to stay and watch the conclusion of the sunset, but we couldn't help but go to the best dessert spot in all of Seattle (in our opinion--the pie bar!)
 It turns out Blackberry Rhubarb is an incredible pie!
We had some ridiculous weather in Seattle this weekend too. We lost power for over 6 hours and had to go to a restaurant in order to be able to watch the Seahawks game (and sadly, it caused us to miss a monumental Griz game in Missoula). Check out the map of the power outages that affected our area:
 This weekend was the end of my rotation and we were able to meet up with Tom's parents at their new house in Lakewood for an end-of-summer BBQ.
 We dined like kings with all of the typical BBQ deliciousness
It was also a late celebration for both me and Katie's birthday. It turns out we got something we never thought we would--a selfie stick! We both thought it was so hilarious that most of the selfies we took today reflect the fact that we couldn't stop laughing! I leave you with a stream of selfies.

I have the next two weeks to get my application for residency in order. It entails polishing up a personal statement, getting a professional headshot and filling out a ton of boxes with my work, research and volunteer experience...oh ya, and making a decision between Urology and OB/GYN. I will let you know by next week. I needed a day or two off this weekend before taking a few days to go over the pros and cons and my feelings on both of them before I make a final decision. It's a big moment and I can tell you that I"m not having the best sleep because of it.
