On to the next 4 week cycle

I finished Neurology last week and now I'm about start Urology at Seattle Children's tomorrow. I'm excited to explore specialty and see if it speaks to me as a career option. 
In the middle of a busy inpatient rotation, I had weekends off and was able to absorb the amazing 90 degree weather we've had recently!
 Two weekends ago, I swear I spent the entire day in Lake Washington because it was so hot out. It was lovely.
 I posted this photo on facebook last week, but we've had some pretty amazing sunsets recently. The skies have been a gorgeous shade of pinks, blues and purples.
 And the bounty continues to show up in my garden!

 Can you get a more pituresque moment? (obviously the picture doesn't do it justice).
 On Friday after my final exam for the Neurology rotation I met up with my girls for lunch. The "wine and magazine" group, as we call ourselves, had wine and good laughs. 

Then we went for a swim in Lake Union, ate ice cream sandwiches on the shore and headed off for Gas Works Park.
It was a beer tasting and outdoor movie event: "Clips Beer & Film Tour".
 We had a lovely picnic, enjoyed the sights and sounds of a happy summer evening.
 I don't think this could be any more Seattle!
 It was a collection of short films, allowing for us to be able to chit chat in between films as the sun was setting.
By the way, I have enough zucchini  to last me all year! (and green beans)
Off to chat with Tom (he comes home in 2 WEEKS!) and rest up before another whirlwind of 4 weeks. I look forward to being able to say at the end of it, with confidence, what I'm going to be when I grow up :). It might be wishful thinking...but I like wishing :) Happy August everyone!
