I'm not ignoring you on purpose...technically

So I finished my gyn-onc sub-I on Friday of last week and started studying for the next round of my boards on Saturday. There was no time for a break! Much like last year, this is my view everyday 
I study from 6am until about 4 pm, take a break to exercise, cook dinner and shows then hit it again at home for a few more hours until my favorite time of day: garden watering time at dusk. I'm harvesting a lot thanks to the hot weather. 

So, no, I'm not technically ignoring you when you reach out to me, I'm just deep into the throws of studying. I fly to LA on Saturday night for the first of 2 parts of this step of the boards that I take on 6/16. Then I fly home to round out the month of studying and take the second part on 7/2. I love you all and I'm sorry I've been absent or distant from you during this time but I've got a goal and i want to reach it! So, see you in July! (Well, sort of because I start my next rotation and begin my application for residency in my "free time" from that...it never ends)
