Gardening for the win!

I was so grateful for a long weekend. I had to work through it but  I got to have Memorial day off to get some much needed work done and to enjoy some nice relaxation too. 

Most of the relaxation revolved around sleeping in, exercising and gardening. The snap peas are forming.... 
...and the lettuce is ripe for the picking!
So, I've enjoyed a a lot of fresh salads and sleep in preparation for next week. I'm lined up to be in the OR for a lot of robotic cases. I'm officially half-way through the rotation and ready to tackle the next half--because after that I've got boards to study for!
Last week was so much more low key than the first week of my rotation. We were even able to enjoy a late afternoon ice cream sandwich down by the water in the middle of the work day last week. My classmate Barbara is on the rotation with me and we split days, one of us going to the OR the other to the clinic or managing patients in the hospital.  It's so wonderful to have a friendly face and a supportive spirit around me!
 Oh-and by the way, Tom made it to LA and has settled into his new place! I'll leave it to him to post some photos :) He starts work at the SEC tomorrow!
