Feeling nervous

It's been a great weekend full of fun events. 

We volunteered at the Brides For A Cause event on Thursday night. 
Tom was spot on with his usual role of returing the "go-backs" from the dressing room (and figuring out just how these complicated dresses work)
We enjoyed a nice induction ceremony to the Gold Humanism Honor Society on Friday evening (after finishing my last required rotation of third year!). Sorry, I didn't realize that you needed a username and password to log in and see it. If anybody wants to watch it, let me know and I'll send the info

We went on a glorious hike to Poo Poo Point (ok, so the name isn't glorious) just like we did about 3 years ago for my birthday. It was nearly 80 degrees and the views were stunning
We got to see the paragliders jumping off as well. 
Then, we celebrated Paul's much-anticipated graduation from UM. 
We wrapped up the weekend with brunch at Watson's nursery for Mother's day. (and, sadly, this is the only photo I have on my phone from the event):

It feels like a whirlwind of a weekend. Now, I'm anxious to start my first elective rotation in gynecology oncology at UW. I'm hoping that by the end of the next 4 weeks, I will have narrowed down whether or not OB/GYN is right for me. I was told that the #1 reason that residents drop out of OB residencies is that they didn't realize how much surgery was involved in the training. So I'm jumping head first into the surgical part of the training to see if it's something I really love. If not, can someone please tell me what I want to be when I grow up? I feel so lost!

I have rounds at 5:45 AM tomorrow, so I'm getting in bed in approximately 2 minutes. But there's no telling that I'll actually fall asleep. I'm nervous and excited (but right now, mostly nervous). But, it's the kind of nervous that I got before big games in high school--as soon as tip off, or the first serve, I was in the game and I was excited and ready. But, until then, I'm just nervous--for so many reasons! I want to do well on the rotation, but I also know that if I hate it, I don't know what I want to do for my career and that's terrifying. Ok--that's enough of a freak out for right before I try to sleep. I hope to be able to report back to you by the end of the month with more clarity about my future than I've ever had before. Until then, you might not see much of me. From what I can tell, I'll be in the hospital from 5:30 AM to about 7 PM until June 5th. Here we go!
