I can't believe it's already April

I started thinking this week about how I need to decide what I want to be when I grow up by June/July at the latest-- and that it's already April! How did that happen? 

I'm one week into my family medicine rotation. I've got lots of great residents and attendings that I'm working with. I realized too, that this is the first rotation I've consistently worked with residents one-on-one since I was at Harborview in July 2014! I'm working in the Group Health clinics located in Capitol Hill, Northgate and Burien. I also get to have a few other random half-days at the teen clinic and Virginia Mason Hospital. I also specifically asked to be notified if any of the OB patients that are due to deliver during my rotation would be willing to have me be part of the delivery. I've been thinking so much recently about becoming an OB/Gyn and I'm hoping to gain some more exposure on this rotation to help weed it in or out. 

On Friday I got done with clinic and drove down to Tacoma to join Tom (who had just driven up from Olympia on his way back from the Supreme Court), Diana and Katie for dinner. They took us to this relatively new restaurant that Tom and I had never been to called Boathouse nine on the waterfront.
 It was an absolutely gorgeous setting for a walk on the docks while we waited for a table (albeit a little chilly as the sun was setting).
 How I've missed this view!
 We obviously had to get a group selfie to commemorate the moment
Then Saturday was a full day of studying at the library. It has hit Tom and I that we are nearly at the end of our 3rd year of our 4 year programs and things are heating up in terms of work load and exams, etc. Plus, Tom leaves for LA for his externship with the SEC on May 23rd (ish) --so that's just a little over a month away! then, just after that I've got my two part boards exam to take in June and July. It's "step 2" of my 3 step boards to graduate. But, step 2 includes a computer based exam just like step 1 but also includes a hands-on all-day test as well. It's in LA on June 16th (happy birthday to me right?). And then I take the written portion on July 2nd. It's all coming so fast and I know that it's just the beginning of a crazy summer of applications. Holding my breath and bracing for it!

Today I realized how grateful I am for consistently having true 2-day weekends during most of my third year. I have several classmates that are doing their rotations in Seattle and often only get one day off a week. It's amazing how drained I feel by week's end and how refreshing it is to have 2 full days to get life organized again before getting back into it.

Today I utilized my Easter-basked goodies from John and Diana (two big bags of compost!) to give some TLC to my garden! It feels like everything is growing at a snails pace, but that's just because I'm checking it incessantly I'm sure. 

I started transplanting the seeds I started on the balcony into the garden today because they were starting to get really crowded in the containers. For some reason, I thought it was a good idea to start carrots from seed on the deck....but soon after I realized that it was a poor idea. Why? Because transplanting carrots is like transplanting limp angel-hair pasta noodles (but much smaller). For  some reason I decided it would be worth my time to transplant each tiny individual carrot start into the garden. This photo just looks like a bunch of dirt because that's how small the carrot starts are. It took forever, and I don't even know if it will work, but even if it doesn't, it still felt good to get some dirt on my fingers and be outdoors (not looking at a computer).
On to another week of clinic for me. So far I've seen quite a few interesting cases including a man with mono that had symptoms that really had convinced me that he had lymphoma. I was so relieved to find out that it was just mono! I venture down to the Burien clinic this week so we'll see how the patient demographics and the new clinic environment goes!
