Pi Day

Yesterday marked an important day in history- Pi day where the date matched the first 5 digits of pi (3.1415). Even more nerdy than that though, we could celebrate pi day down to the 10th digit by celectrating it at 9:26:53 pm. So, that's precisely what we did. After all, it was the third-annual pi day party for our group of friends.
This year, we added a little variety to the competition and included a savory category (inspired by the fact that someone brought a pot pie to the party last year). So, Tom decided he would make a pizza pie for the savory competition.

I decided to go for a blackberry pie. but I wanted a little extra sweetness to it so I added some strawberries as well. I think it turned out pretty good.

It was a late start to dinner and dessert at 8 PM but we were ready to go and celebrate pi!

 The sweet category included a lot of variety (more pies showed up after I took this photo) - chocolate chip cookie pie, blackberry-raspberry, key lime, strawberry rhubarb, blackberry-blueberry, my blackberry-strawberry and a sweet potato pie.

 The savory category only had three entries: Hawaiian pizza, veggie pizza and quiche

We all gathered round to start the taste test and judging for the award ceremony that took place at 9:26 PM

As usual, it was A LOT of pie to eat even if you just took a few bites of each. Then, we tallied the votes:

 Everyone was waiting anxiously for the winner to be announced, particularly Danny who created this annual event but had yet to win won.
It was a proud moment for Danny as he took the win with his strawberry rhubarb pie
This years winners also included Roxanne with her Hawaiian pizza (Tom's pizza came in second, he lost by only one vote)

We practically rolled out of there, very full of pie but we had a blast celebrating such an odd holiday together.

Last weekend we decided to check out a local event. A very local event. We walked across the street to Magnuson to the Seattle Musical Theater.
 They were having an improv event where they dubbed over a historically terrible movie that never got released to the theaters: The Fantastic Four.
 It was great to support the local theater and the local comedy talent.
 We were far too excited about another thing last weekend as well. This purchase at Costco brought out the nerdy side of us. We've always wanted these containers and we went for it on an impulse buy :)
 Last weekend was GORGEOUS in Seattle. So, that meant it was time for me to spend some time in the dirt. I picked up all the burlap, cleaned out all the leaves and made way for some new seeds to begin. I planted cucumber, zucchini, green beans, snap peas and sunflowers. I've got some starts of spinach and tomato back on the porch that I'll be adding to the garden. And, I think I might build a potato box this year as well, but just not yet.
 A lot of things are sprouting up this time of year. Tom has two offers for internships for this upcoming summer. He was given the position at FINRA like I blogged about a few weeks ago but he was also offered an internship position with the SEC in Los Angeles. He's got a really tough decision to make. The internship at FINRA is in the area of law that he wants to work in for his career but it's in NY, NY and it isn't the SEC that he ultimately wants to work for. And the internship in LA has obvious advantages in terms of proximity but it's working in a department for the SEC that he's interested in but it's not the same field he would be working in at FINRA. He's made quite a few calls to mentors in the field and has been given a lot of good, albeit, conflicting advice about which one would be better in terms of a long-term career choice. He's getting a call back on Tuesday from the hiring manager at the SEC who said she'd ask around the office for opinions on which internship would look better on an resume for a new employee. So, the goal is to make a final decision by next week so we can officially start booking travel/lodging for the summer for him since it's fast approaching!

I'm past the half-way mark for my pediatrics rotation. I started inpatient at Children's. Just like my psych rotation I was placed on a "team" that consists of just me and an attending rather than on a team with a bunch of residents like all of my other classmates on the rotation. It's been great so far but there's always pros and cons to not working with residents.

One thing that I got to do since I last wrote was spend two days in a newborn nursery. I got lots of practice with the many acronyms of newborn life while presenting new patients to the attending on rounds. I had a blast with all the newborns!
 I also got much more comfortable (even in just 2 short days) with the conversion between kg and pounds thanks to this handy chart I took a photo of and referenced all day
I've had amazing experiences, to say the least! Two more weeks of peds and then I'm switching to family medicine for another 6 weeks of experiences.
