Weekend getaway

Last night Tom and I joined the "adult world" to attend our first ever silent auction. It was to benefit the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) who supplies students with grants to have jobs/internships with non-profit organizations that can't offer paid experiences. Tom is looking to apply for one of their grants this year to help fund his internship with FNRA in NY this summer. (To read more about PILF, click here). The application won't be available until April, so we won't find out for a while. 
We joined several hundred people for appetizers, drinks and bidding and motivational speakers to help raise funds for the event (some more motivating than others).
 We weren't necessarily planning on bidding on anything but then we came across something that was too good to pass up. Our friends John and Bri are getting married this summer in Pt. Townsend, WA in June. So, not only does Tom need to buy airfare to and from NY for the trip, we need to find lodging in Pt. Townsend for the wedding weekend (since Tom is in the wedding it'd be silly to drive to and from Pt. Townsend for the three days of festivities). Well, there was an auction item for a "weekend getaway" in Pt. Townsend in one of the SU professors 2 bedroom guest houses--complete with kitchen (the kind of thing we always look for in a VRBO). We were the winners at a $98 bid! So, instead of booking a hotel at summer prices for a three night stay, we'll be staying in a guest home, able to cook our own meals and feel good that we saved nearly 1/3 of the cost of a hotel and supported a great grant fund in the process! (that is, if this professor allows us to stay on that particular weekend, but we're banking on it).
Alright, this was my allotted "study break" at the library, and I've got to get back to studying. I've got my last week of Psych coming up and my exam is on Thursday. Unlike my other third year rotations, I don't get the day before the exam off to study. Instead, we work Mon-Wed, take the exam from 9-12 on Thursday and then go back to work on Thursday afternoon and all of Friday.....It's going to be a long finish to long rotation. I've just gotta make it through five more days with lots of studying up on SSRI's!
