Free weekend

My life revolves around 6 week cycles. I just finished psychiatry and now I'm starting Pediatrics tomorrow. But in between that, I have enjoyed a weekend off. A weekend where I was able to deep clean the apartment, do errands that I had been meaning to do for weeks, work on figuring out my 4th year schedule, meet up with friends and sleep in. 

For the duration of my psych rotation I've been playing volleyball on Wednesday nights. I was recruited by a blanket-email sent to all the med students out there that there were some 1st and 2nd year students who needed a few more ladies to join their women's team. I obviously was right on top of that one and made sure to take the time out of my schedule to play. Here we are taking the classic, stereotypical volleyball pose photo after our win on Wednesday night. By the way, it was totally worth it to go on the night before a test!
 Valentines day I had been dreading, not because it was Valentines but because I knew that Tom had a required school retreat for the weekend and I wouldn't get to see him on my weekend "off." well, leave it to Tom to make sacrifices and surprise me but he drove back from the retreat just to turn around and drive back less than 12 hours later. We dined at a cute Italian place called Cafe Lago. Tom enjoyed some Gorgonzola steak (don't worry Dad, yours still takes the cake)
 And I enjoyed some fresh hand made gnocchi.
 We almost got dessert at the restaurant but since we were headed down town for the show anyway, we figured a trip to 2nd and Pike was worth it just to get some gelato from Gelatiamo.
 Then it was off to the 5th for the Carousel.
 The stage really was beautiful
 And we got the classic photo at the theater (because what kind of blog would it be without these obligatory photos anyway?) :) I can't say that the Carousel was my favorite show by any means but it was so great to spend the evening together and for me to know that I could sleep in, relax and NOT study psychiatry in the morning!
 I took a lot of walks this weekend around Magnuson because the weather has been glorious. I passed by the garden several times and I thought I'd check in to see how it looks. It's amazing how drab and gloomy a garden can look in the middle of winter isn't it?
 I did find some broccoli in bloom though :)
 But this 60 degree weather prompted me to do something I really probably shouldn't have--I started a little mini (very mini) greenhouse on our deck! It's just two flats of seeds for the vegetable garden, with potting soil that was WAY over priced since it's not in season yet. But, I couldn't help myself! The sun was shining and I was dying to get my hands a little dirty
 I also planted some herbs in this planter box that my parents gave me....only to stand up and accidentally knock my shoulder on it and completely knock it off of the all the dirt and teeny-tiny herb seeds I had just sewn were all over the balcony. So, I picked it all back up but now the seeds were either 1. on my balcony 2. blown off down onto the ground below or 3. 6 inches deep into the planter box with no hope of surfacing. There were still a few seeds left in the seed packets that I could re-sew but honestly, I'm not anticipating a single herb to grow (and I need to find a way to better adhere this thing to the railing!).
 Last but not least I was able to catch up with "my girls" as I call them, the "Wine and Magazine party" study group. (I think I said this before, but we call ourselves that even though we never, or rarely at least, have wine and look at magazines together, but it always looked better in our calendars to say we had a wine and magazine party on thursday rather that a study group :). It was the first time in over 6 months that we had all been in the same city at the same time! We enjoyed a sunny (yet surprisingly chilly) walk around Greenlake and were able to share in our excitements and woes of 3rd year and our plans for 4th year. We laughed as we all asked each other what we wanted to be when we grew up and when we all answered "I don't know!" It feels so nice to get in touch with people again that know exactly what you're going through, that feel very similarly about a lot of things and that can just cherish the moment together.
 All this happened while Tom was away at his retreat. Here's his view from the cabin he was at with his classmates. I sort of wish I could have joined him but I also know that the weekend at home was absolutely wonderful for me!
I'm staring pediatrics at Seattle Children's tomorrow. Well, I do orientation at Children's. For the first three weeks I'll be doing outpatient pediatrics at the Roosevelt clinic and then the second three weeks I'll be doing inpatient pediatrics at childrens (so, I'll have a nearly non-existent commute for three weeks of it!). I am excited for this rotation, nervous (as usual) because I feel like I don't know the first thing about taking care of kiddos, but ready for something new! And, hopefully by the end of the next six weeks I'll have a better idea of what I want to be when I grow up!
