Time with family

I had a wonderful break over the Thanksgiving weekend. I couldn’t believe it but I was given Thursday through Sunday off will only a day of call on Saturday. I don’t know what my colleagues were given over in Seattle but I wasn’t about to tell anyone that it was too good to be true! Having that time off allowed me to participate in all sorts of family outings!

On Wednesday night Kristi and I tired (yet again) to make the infamous pretzel jello. Only, we got to chatting in the kitchen and left the jello in the fridge too long and it was nearly hardened by the time we got it out—so instead of pouring over the top, it was kind of “chunked” over the top. 
We got some snuggle time in with Kristi’s pups—Baily is a particularly snuggly dog. 
We enjoyed browsing the sale-ads for black Friday but the only black-Friday shopping we did was from our ipads while sitting on the couch! We had a lot of funny ads including this one—only in Montana! 
Starting on Turkey day we were able to join the family at Grandma and Grandpa’s house for a lovely dinner. And, we had an extra special time because Tim was back from his basic training for the marines. As I posted on facebook, the meal was a success as determined by how easily the post-meal nap took place for both the kids:
And the adults:
Thanksgiving night we joined the other side of the family for a friendly viewing of the Seahawks vs 49er’s game in Curt’s home theater. 
Which, by the way, is getting an upgrade! Next week when we join them again for the next match up between the two teams we will be viewing it from a 65 inch curved screen. It’s going to be a great setting for a re-match.
The following morning the pups were ready to get out and explore
We stopped at the hob nob for a quick breakfast and then set out into the woods (where it was POURING rain) to find the perfect Christmas tree(s).
It was cold and wet

but we found the perfect tree for the main floor. 
It was beautiful in all it's splendor in the woods, so we knew it was a good fit for the house:
It took some team work to get the thing down though

 Getting the 20+ foot tree back down the hill was no small feat and was not without it's trips and falls-- Mom took the worst of it in an epic fall backwards with a giant bruise to prove it!
At the end of it all we were soaked through and through and enjoyed our hot cocoa, wheat thins, oranges and skittles in the warmth of the truck while the rain continued to pour down. 
Later in the weekend we got around to decorating the main floor as well as the “attic” where we live.
We celebrated the occasion with some crab—we decided we would start and end the Christmas season with crab this year. 
It’s truly beautiful in the house – it smells and looks and feels like Christmas! 

I’ve got 2 weeks left of my rotation and Tom arrives in Missoula a week from now. Between now and then I’ll be seeing some plastic surgery, head and neck surgery as well as lots more general surgery. Tom has 4 finals in 5 days—a doozy of a schedule! We’re hanging in, pushing through and excited to cross the finish line into another wonderful family Christmas!
