October update

As most of you saw on facebook, we got some exciting news the other day when we came home--the deck is done! After living in this condo for 2 years and only having access to the deck for the first month of that time, we are thrilled! No more plastic over the doors and windows, no more rod in the door keeping us from opening it!

It really is a beautiful thing don't you think?
It's the final countdown of my OB/GYN rotation already. I have one more full week of the rotation and the following week I am done by Wednesday so that I have Thursday to study/pack and then the final exam is on Friday. On Saturday 11/8 I'll be heading off to Montana for my surgery rotation! Time flies! I've been communicating with my friends in Missoula who have already completed the surgery rotation and I hear nothing but good news about it. I just completed about 25 pages of required paperwork for the rotation (about 12 pages a piece for each of the two hospitals in Missoula) and I'm trying to prepare myself for the crazy early mornings and new skills that I am going to learn. 

I've been going to the simulation lab at UW on Wednesdays for about 1-2 hours throughout this rotation which allows me to use fake skin and tissue to practice on (as well as some amazing computer simulated things) but when I'm at home, there's none of that fancy stuff around. So, when I cam across this pillow with holes in it in my Tacoma apartment, I figured it was the perfect opportunity to practice suturing! I have so much to learn and my "skill" is hard to even label as a skill at this point, but it was good to get another "rep" in.
So far in OB/GYN I've helped deliver 3 babies. I've seen 7 c-sections (two of which I closed the incision). I've done over 15 solo pap smears and pelvic exams in the office and counseled patients on everything from post-partum contraception, painful intercourse, vaginal infections, miscarriages and twin pregnancies (a surprise to mom and dad)! On Tuesday I get the opportunity to work with a gynecology-oncologist with some open and robotic surgeries for ovarian and endometrial cancer--it's going to be an amazing opportunity!

Tom is busy busy busy. He's has so much on his plate and I'm not sure how he's handling it all. He's got 5 classes, a job at Russell investments, he is serving as an editor for a social justice journal, he's a research assistant for a professor and also helping to edit/compose a chapter for a textbook with another professor. Oh-and he's still trying to nail down a job for the upcoming summer so he's filling out job applications left and right. So, while he didn't get the job at Debovoise in DC he's now set up to interview with two supreme court justices in the coming month! Let me tell you, when Christmas break rolls around, he is going to be ready for a break! (although knowing him, he will have agreed to do 17 things over break and he won't actually get a break).
