Olympia and weekend adventures

A lot has happened since I last posted on the blog, so I guess it’s time to update it huh?
First of all, we had a WONDERFUL labor day weekend. It all started with a wonderful family event—an apple squeeze! I drove up to Seattle after work on Friday and hopped on a ferry with Tom on Saturday to head over to Bremerton to Jim and Marcy’s house.
They have this amazing old apple squeezer that and some apple trees on their property. John and Diana also had quite the harvest from the apple trees on their new property so we had a bounty to start the squeeze!
Everyone got their turn to mash, squeeze, filter and pour the fresh squeezed apple juice. Or is it cider?
We had a fantastic get-together and got to catch up with family. 
We enjoyed catching up so much that we ended up missing the ferry that we intended on catching so we had to wait an hour for the next boat. Fortunately, it just happened to be the blackberry festival in Bremerton, right on the boardwalk. 
We wandered through, got some free samples and listed to the live music –it turned out to be a pretty convenient “lay over”!
That evening we enjoyed the Mariner’s game. Thanks Aunt Ann for the tickets!
Later that weekend I spent a solid 2-3 hours getting some work done in the garden, re-barking the trails around my garden beds in preparation for winter. And, of course, I got to harvest as well!
Throughout the week in Olympia, I’ve been trying to explore the area a bit more. I explored Ellis Cove trail:
Where they at least allow jogging :)
I enjoyed running around capitol lake and the views on the hillside leading up to the capitol building. 
I also rand a few sets of stairs just for kicks 
I also failed to mention earlier that everyone in the clinic wears Seahawks gear on game day, so who was I to say no to that? 
The following weekend continued to bring about good times (I’m telling you, having weekends off is INCREDIBLE!).  We enjoyed the gorgeous weather and headed out to the Husky Football home opener. Since we’re only 2.75 miles away or so from the stadium, we enjoyed a nice walk from home to the game. 
We had great seats (like always). 
And what kind of event would it be for us if we didn’t bring our own meals with us? But, we had a big dilemma this time—we were out of peanut butter at home! No PB&J tradition for us….So, we improvised for a meal that was much messier but just as enjoyable—pasta in a bag with a pair of forks! Unconventional but delicious. 
We enjoyed the Husky win (even if it was a close one when it shouldn’t have been) and enjoyed a nice walk back home with the whole husky crowd
Then last but not least we enjoyed a family picnic at Magnuson park this past weekend as well.
We wandered through the garden together, admiring all the beautiful plants and produce. 
Alas, I forgot to take a group photo at the picnic, so we managed to snap a quick selfie as John, Diana and Katie made their way out of the park. It’s not ideal, but at least it’s a picture!
I can’t believe I’m into my 4th week here in Olympia. I got to shadow Dr. Sheila Fay in the OR today for a partial thyroidectomy. It was a short case (1.5 hours) and I found myself never wanting to leave! The 1.5 hours felt like moments. But, I got to see some interesting patients in the clinic too, so that was great as well, but I can’t help but want to go back to the OR again. But, as Dr. Fay reminds me—I’m here for MEDICINE, not surgery. I’ll have my time in the OR come November!

 And, each morning I get to wake up to just the tip of Mt. Rainier from my window. I'm pretty blessed!
