Another rotation bites the dust!

Now that it has been about 3 weeks since I posted, I'm officially done with my internal medicine rotation. I took the final exam on Friday after getting up early to celebrate Tom's birthday. Then I got to catch up over lunch with Hilary, one of my best friends from med school. It was so wonderful to "de-brief" with her after the exam, to talk about what we've learned, what we're excited for, what we're scared about--it made me wish we could meet up more often! 

Anyway, before I was able to cross internal medicine off of my list, there were lots of things that I got to do first! 

I FINALLY discovered what Olympia residents call "the Trail".
 It's just like the Burke Gilman trail in Seattle (shorter, but similar). I was told that the trail entrance was really close to my house in Olympia, but I never found it despite spending three weeks jogging on the edge of my neighborhood. Well, I finally found it!
It is a beautiful route that has some great views of Ranier along the way.
I had continued to drive up to Seattle for every weekend except the last one and only once or twice did I hit the nightmare that is traffic on I-5. The trip where I took this picture was particularly miserable. It took me nearly 3 hours to get home! But I consider myself fortunate because I only had it that bad on one occasion!

 After driving in that traffic, we were set for a good weekend of Volleyball, Football and gardening. We came across a very pleasant surprise one Saturday morning --the Seattle Public Library was having a HUGE sale in the airplane hangar in Magnuson. We had no idea it was happening but we loved coming across it! All books were so cheap--we got a few season's of our favorite TV shows, a few movies and a few good book finds, all for $15!
 After a good morning of book shopping we walked on the Burke down to the Husky game to meet up with Allison's parents for the tailgate party. They graciously have allowed us to come and mooch off of them and their tailgate! It was 80 degrees, sunny and so much fun!
 This is how football season should always be --Warm and sunny! :) Just kidding...but it would be nice if we lived in sunny California wouldn't it?
 There's been 2-3 volleyball games I've been able to attend too. I love watching these girls play! It's always an exciting match and always felt like it was worth the drive home.
 My gardening season is coming to an end but I am thrilled to report that my zucchini plants that I was SURE wouldn't produce anything this year, I got one beautiful zucchini out of it! I had yummy sauteed zucchini with dinner a few times last week and have zucchini bread baking in the oven as we speak--yum!
 I even got some snap peas that came along really late in the season too! It makes for good snacking during our walk around Magnuson.
 And, my sunflowers always bring a smile to my face.
 But, I think Tom is better at impersonating them than I am, don't you?

 Last weekend was the Superbowl-re-match and I was alone in Olympia without any football fans in my house--I told my parents this, but when I was watching the season opener, my housemate asked me "oh, are you watching the superbowl?" I explained to her that the superbowl was in February and she replied: "Oh--there's football ALL YEAR ROUND? Wow..." So, needless to say, when I couldn't watch the game online it meant I had to go to a restaurant to catch the action--but I wasn't going to be going with my housemates :)
 I had a nice booth to myself (the bar was packed) and I snuggled in and watched the Hawks get a win.
 Now, with the rains coming on, my broccoli plants are finally growing up and my perennial plants are now blooming!
 Friday marked Tom's 30th birthday. I made sure to get up nice and early so we had time to celebrate before my exam started at 9 and Tom had to be at work at Russell. As most of you know, I had been compiling letters from Tom's closest friends since he was in Atlanta so he could be surrounded by his friends on his birthday. He was actually surprised (which I rarely accomplish)!
 By letter #19 he was feeling happy, nostalgic and loved. Thanks to everyone to wrote in to make his day so great!
 I finally replaced his mariners hat-- what color is it supposed to be again? :)
 Then, thanks to Tom and Nancy, we got to sit behind home plate to watch the M's vs the Angels on "fan appreciation night." We were hopeful because they were doing tons of give-aways throughout the night, but alas, we didn't win anything.
 We even got to see Felix Hernandez receive several awards for his pitching awesomeness :)
  It was a beautiful night for a game!
I can't believe the 12 weeks of internal medicine is over. The final exam was challenging and I won't know my score or my overall grade for the rotation for another four weeks, so I'm all focused on starting my OB/Gyn rotation on Monday. I have a full day of orientation activities in Seattle on Monday, then start my work at St. Joe's in Tacoma on Tuesday. I can't "check in" to my apartment down in Tacoma until later this afternoon so I'm just going to move in on Monday evening after my orientation since I have to be here all day Monday anyway. I'm excited for the rotation (and nervous, as usual) because I heard from the student who was just there and he had nothing but positive things to say. I'm looking forward to catching some babies, observing some amazing gynecological da Vinci surgeries and learning about pre- and post-natal care. And I'm sure by the end of the rotation I'll either have "baby fever" or the exact opposite after seeing labor over and over :) we will see!
