First week in Atlanta

I have now been in Atlanta for a week.  Turns out, it only gets hotter.  I'm really enjoying my work, I'm actually getting to wet my beak on real cases, no fluff work.  The attorney I'm working for said on day one - "I'm going to treat you like you just already graduated from Law school." 
Luckily, the Seattle Mariners decided to visit Atlanta also! 
My first time at Turner Field.   It's a beautiful park and we took a train and a bus straight to the park.  I got to leave my car at work.  The game started at 7pm so we got to see it go from daylight, to twilight, to nightlight. 

The Braves fans were doing their "Tomahawk Chop" to try to start a rally.  But don't worry, the mariners won.

On Wednesday we had our company picnic!  There were LOTS of games, including softball  and corn hole (which me and Tom Malikie would have won for sure!)  Here is a picture of Annie , another intern, receiving her medal for winning the hoola hoop competition.  It's much too small because they were expecting a little kid to win :)
 If you didn't see the pictures on facebook, here is a picture during a lightning storm during the week.  It was amazing.  I wish I could have gotten a picture of the lightning itself, which stretched like veins throughout the pinkish red sky.  I stood outside on our back deck holding my phone to the sky so that Deanna could see the sky on Skype. 

Finally, I went to Costco to get supplies and I had to laugh because all of the peaches are from California! 

I'm on to week number 2!  :) 
