Days off that count

I have a 6 day-a-week study plan so when I finally reach Sundays, I try to do everything that I can possibly to make the most of the day off and to totally separate myself from studying. So, this is a post about my brief time off and my world while studying. (By the way, Tom and I both wrote a piece for the blog today --so make sure that if you haven't read it- you continue scrolling to see that too). 

Last week I took an evening off early and wwent to see Once, the musical with a classmate of mine, DeeDee. I bought the tickets for Tom and I to go but obviously Tom was in Atlanta, so I had to find another date. It was a really wonderful evening full of fantastic music and  a great love story. 
I have been spending A LOT of time at the Seattle University library. I joke and say that I have an "office" in the library because I set up camp for the day-- every day. 
 But sometimes I get around UW and check out different study spots on campus. The other morning I could help but stop on my walk for this cute-factor. The fountain has a ramp on it for the ducks to be able to get in and out of the fountain. It's hard to tell from this photo, but all the baby ducks had cuddled up on the platform! How cute is that?
 Last Sunday there was a "touch a truck" event at Magnuson. There were trucks of all kinds and tons of moms, dads and kiddos waiting in line to touch a truck, sit in a truck or honk the horn. It was also adorably cute.
 And, we finally got an update on why things around here have been a little stagnant in terms of progress on the building. They informed us that they are having a hard time finding consistent workers for the siding job so they are switching companies. No wonder things haven't changed since May! Supposedly the new finish date is 8/21/14, but I"ll believe that when I see it. What a great anniversary gift that would be!
 This week I spent a lot of time trying to really learn some biochemistry. I was having a hard time keeping all the steps of reactions straight in my head and finally made a giant "map" on the white board of a ton of different biochemical reactions and how they inter-connect. I thought I was done studying the Kreb's cycle after I took the MCAT but I as very, very wrong!
 So, the day off today could not come soon enough! Today I started the day by heading down to my second home: Tacoma. I joined John, Diana and Katie at a breakfast dive called "Dirty Oscar's Annex" on 6th Avenue. Griff and Lisa told us that it was the best breakfast place in Tacoma (which is saying A LOT!) so of course I wanted to check it out!John and Diana both ended up ordering the "stuffed pancakes" full of chicken-apple sausage, O'brian potatoes, cheesy and all sorts of other goodies, I'm not sure. Oh, that was topped with fried eggs.
 The food was INCREDIBLE! I had a Monte Cristo Club -- essentially it's three thick slices of sourdough french toast with slices of turkey and ham and Tillamook white cheddar. Woo! It sounds a little out there, but this thing was sooo good! Of course, with a side of hash browns.
Katie went with the biscuits and gravy and she said it was delicious!
 After breakfast I had planned to head straight back up to Seattle, but I cancelled those plans and checked out quite a few things in Tacoma. First stop: UPS to see all the renovations. These next photos are mainly for Tom's benefit so he can see how the campus has changed. This is the SUB-- with a huge add on.
 The new wing of the SUB is gorgeous-- not your average cafeteria.
 And, that's not even all of it--the whole kitchen is getting a remodel, due to be ready by August.
 I continued my tour around campus to check out the other new changes.
 This is the lounge space in the newest dorm
 The new dorm is a little futuristic or art museum style for my taste, but it is really beautiful (just not sure it's "homey".)
 But, this dorm has suites where everyone has their own room and then there are multiple bathrooms within the suite, a washer/dryer and this amazing kitchen to be used by about 12 people.
 And, they have great study spaces built into the suite as well--What I would have given to have this when I was there!
Then, I had to drive by our old place to see if it had changed. Well, it hadn't chagned in a good wa, bedcause the garden is competely grown over! I felt so sad looking at it-- just think of all the hard work to put it in, and how profitable that land was for us and how it's just being wasted! Can I just move this plot of land up to Seattle? 
 And what would a trip to Tacoma be without a trip to Point Defiance?

 It was so gorgeous!! Everything is in full bloom and it was amazing! I jogged through the park and just soaked in the sun, smells and sounds of summer.
 Not sure if you can tell the real color of these roses but they took my breath away.
A joyous day off-- a great way to re-charge as I get ready for another intense 6 days of studying!
