Truly HOTlanta

I have now worked at the SEC for two days.  But I have to say, I would never have made it here but for my wonderful Parents, and parents-in-law.  First, my parents for letting me borrow their car and drive it to work.  (I mean how far could it be!)

 Ok, so it was a pretty long distance.  I got to see a large portion of the country I had never seen before!  But First, I drove the drive I have done many times! 

 Out of Seattle

 Through the passes

 Across Eastern Washington
To Mackenzie River Pizza company in Missoula where I met, Tom, Nancy, and Kristi for lunch.  It was SO good and they let me keep the leftovers. They also loaded me down with food and "supplies" which was a humbling and wonderful experience. Then it was on to stay the night with Tyrell in Billings. 

I got up Early the next morning an headed off to Omaha, Nebraska!  Where I stayed at the Element Hotel, where Deanna and I had stayed when we visited the schools in Omaha.  It was wonderful!
 Here was the view from my room (the Mutual of Omaha building). 

 The breakfast is amazing as well, so I slept in (a little) to enjoy a good breakfast before I left.  Not shown is the fruit, cereal, and smoothies I was provided as well :)  Then it was off to Georgia. The long journey unfortunately wasn't quite over when I was only 2 miles from my new home.  It was 10:00pm or so and I was looking for street signs so I knew where to go, unfortunately as I inched my way into an intersection, a police office pulled me over for not stopping at the stop sign.   He asked me about the Washington plates and I told him that I had just driven 2300 miles to get here and was almost home.  He said, "oh, well in Georgia the law is you have to come to a complete stop at the stop signs."  thanks officer. 

 After getting my keys and falling right to sleep, I got up the next day to go to Costco for supplies.  I could tell right away I was in a different place....

Especially the weather.  It's humid in Seattle, but this was ridiculous.  Our landlord asked to keep the thermostat at 78 to "keep the house cool but not to run up the air conditioning cost."  Yikes!  It feel very tropical outside.  I have not had my water bottle too far away from me the entire time I've been here.  Sweating is a given.  When it rains, which it has pretty frequently since I've arrived, it comes in droves! 

 but then it's gone almost as soon as it gets here.  Hopefully the video shows a little of what I'm talking about...

Before I knew it, it was off to my first day of work!  I had dive there the day before so I knew where to go.  I laid out my suit the night before, here is the obligatory pictures of what I wore my first day (your welcome mom :) )

As it turns out, you don't need to wear clothes nearly this fancy on a day-to-day basis.  Business casual is fine.  But I'm glad I did the first day.  The people I work with are great.  Per me not wanting to go to federal prison, I won't be talking much about what I'm doing, but I will say that I am learning a ton, even in a short time, I can tell this is going to be a great experience.   
 Speaking of experiences, some of the people at work brought up going to a braves game, and it just so happens that a team from Seattle is coming into town.  It looks like the King will take the mound Tuesday night!  I can't wait!  It also has been stressed to me that we MUST win the company softball game.  It's in the first week of June, apparently the investigators downstairs had been beating Enforcement (us) for nearly a decade before they finally won last year.  It's a big deal. seriously. 
 With that I leave you with our front office lobby.  I miss Deanna each and every day, but I'm glad I'm getting the experience I am.  I will try to take lots of pictures! 
