Gearing up for finals

Tonight marked our last date night before finals week begins. Tom has his first final next week and mine finals week starts the week following. It's the final push to the end (sort of). 

So, tonight, we set off for the Seattle Symphony thanks to some free tickets given to us by our friends John and Bri. It was the Carnige Hall preview night so we got to hear what the symphony had up it' sleeves for a performance in New York in a few weeks. 

As I sat in the beautiful audotorium at Benaroya Hall, I kept thinking to myself that if I had been a second year medical student last year I would have got to have my white coat ceremony in this beautiful setting...So for those of you coming to see the ceremony at the Husky Union Building (HUB) on 5/16--just picture this in your mind instead.
We aren't going to lie--we didn't like the piece they played very much. It was designed to be a piece that was reminiscent of the ocean waves, ebbing and flowing. And, it was beautiful but there was no melody to it. There was just constant sound (much like the ocean). So, they did accomplish what they set out to do, which was to mimic the ocean. But for me it left something to be desired. i love the sound of the ocean, but when I come to the symphony and see all those stringed instruments handled by master musicians up on stage, I want to hear what they can do! Instead, we got to hear them all hold the same note for long periods of time with crescendo and decrescendo movements.
So, at intermission we decided to duck out early to go across the street for a different kind of inspiration: gelato! 
Let me tell you--it was SO GOOOD!
Oh, and Dad -they didn't have lobster tails but these were a pretty close second. Perhaps we'll have to make a stop while you're here?
Then this morning Tom took off for the library to hit the books and I went down to the water to take in the sites and sounds of Opening Day (aka the Windemere Cup) crew races. The UW women's team managed to beat the Great Brittain national team but the men's team fell short. It wasn't nearly as sunny as last year, but it was still fun hanging out with a few friends and taking in a boating culture that I know so little about!
Now, it's down to business. Laundry and prepping for the final week of classes before finals. Yikes!
