Coming up for air

These past two weeks have been nothing but insane! As usual, it feels like "how can it possibly have only been two weeks?" and yet it simultaneously feels like "Wait-what? It's been two weeks already?"

Tom got some REALLY fantastic news. He was offered an Honors Internship position at the SEC in Atlanta, GA from May 27-August 1st. So, with a bittersweet heart I will say that for the first time in over 6 years, we will be living long-distance again. Fortunately it's only for those 10 weeks, but depending on what I get for my clerkship schedule it could be much longer. I am NOT looking forward to that. But, this is literally a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I couldn't be more proud or excited for Tom! By the way, this is a program that is advertised as only for 2nd or 3rd year law students and Tom got selected as a 1st year! (click here to see the web listing for the internship)
I still don't know when I'm going to get my third year schedule...I keep waiting for it and it keeps not getting sent out...

Anyway--what else has been going on? Well, our friend Dave got into Whittier Law School! It's been a long road for him and we are so thrilled for him! He deserves it and so much more. 

I am working on finalizing my plans for the next 6-12 weeks of my life. It sounds silly but I've got about 4 weeks left of classes  in my secnd year of med school (eek!) and then I've got a lot to do. 

I've decided that despite how tired it might make me, I will be traveling to Orlando, FL for the American Urological Association national conference ( the day after my white coat ceremony (5/17). I was accepted for a poster presentation for my Raven research and I just can't pass that up (it helps that Dr. Lendvay is paying for it too). 

There are live surgeries (like the one pictured above) that are moderated at the conference and there's tons of people to meet, things to learn and see. It's unfortunate because I get done with my finals on Friday, I celebrate white coat that afternoon and then I'll hop on a red-eye to Orlando on Saturday to present on Sunday at 1:30 PM. It's going to be intense but I think it will be worth it (let's hope). I'm just in the midst of arranging my travel plans and it's making me nervous and exited. 

After returning from Orlando, I'll jump straight into boards studying. I've already been studying as much as I can over the school year but that's getting harder and harder as the year goes along. Oddly enough, I've got two HUGE classes that START on Monday: Gastrointestinal and Reproductive systems. Both of them are incredibly detailed and complicated and somehow I'm only getting 4 weeks to learn them both! I don't know how UW decided that was a good thing, but I keep hearing "just trust the system" and I'm trying hard to do so :). 

Essentially boards studying is going to be a job for me-- a job with really long hours. Here's a sample "study schedule" made up by the learning specialist at UW:
I'm sure that photo is way too hard to see but really what it says is: study from 8AM-6 or 7 PM (with an hour break tossed in for lunch and dinner) for 6 days a week for about 5 weeks. It's not my personally tailored schedule (I have an appointment on Tuesday to make one). Oddly enough, I'm actually looking forward to it. I have so much to study for boards and my regular course-work is just hard to balance while trying to dig into it. I'm looking forward to just having one big thing to study for with out having so many other things on my plate (I'll be eating my words come June 1st I'm sure).

Anyway, enough about school. Tom and I attended a little mini 4 Horsemen Investments reunion. This is the charity that Tom founded at UPS and it was great to see the current students that are working in the charity and all the alumna. They presented Tom with an engraved mantle clock as a thank you for all he has done and is continuing to do for the charity.

 And I recently attended a scholarship dinner at Mcall Hall in downtown Seattle. It was a gorgeous venue and a very pleasant evening meeting the very generous individuals that have contributed to my attendance at UW. It's only been $1,000 of scholarships each year thus far, but I'm grateful for any penny I don't have to repay in the future! I have been truly blessed.
Alright, after a full morning at the VA hospital interviewing/examining patients, 3 hours of class learning about neuro-anatomy, 2 hours studying with my girlfriends, making dinner, going for a run and studying for another 2 hours I'm ready to hit the hay (and yes, it's only 9:15 PM). I can't believe how everything is starting to come together in our lives. Things are progressing fast and I'm just trying to enjoy every overwhelmed moment :). Good night friends and family!
