One week down...six more to go

I can't believe it, but this quarter is going to be over before I even realize it's really started! It's only 7 weeks long and then it's white coat ceremony, the Boards and transitioning into 3rd year....whew!

We've been up to a lot this first week back.First and foremost...the truck got some work done...we had it down in the shop in Fife and returned one day --locked out of our apartment! Tom is the only one with a key (I lost mine forever ago and never took the time to make a new one....terrible idea). His keys were inside the truck, in Fife.
 So, we camped out in our stairwell directing the locksmith to the construction zone that is our home.
 $75 later, we were back inside our condo. What a way to star the week huh? Well, needless to say, a trip to make an extra key for my key ring is happening!
 It was a crazy week of classes for both of us, just getting settled back into everything. I had my first clinical morning at the VA hospital on Thursday. Some of the amazing stories of the vets are literally unforgettable. Tom had multiple meetings to regarding his work as a research assistant and also as a statistician. He also is getting farther along in the process of earning an internship at Russell Investments this summer. 
I also had a clinical examination on Friday called the OSCE (objective structured clinical examination). I rotated through 6 different stations (13 minutes each). At each station I was either taking a history, performing a component of a physical exam or working through an ethical dilemma. I have to pass three parts of the OSCE's to graduate and this was part 2. I have another on in 2016. It's all to help better prepare me for the Step 2 of Boards. (with all these parts and steps it's amazing I can keep up!). Anyway, they went well, but I don't find out for a couple months about whether or not I "passed"-- I guess we'll see :)

Friday evening marked the night of "med prom" so we decided to go to a restaurant I've ALWAYS wanted to try: The Pink Door on Post Alley. here's a view from our table (sorry for being creepy and taking pictures of people in the restaurant)
 The food was incredible. I had this amazing mushroom fettuccine dish and Tom had another pasta dish-I don't remember what it was, but there was Italian sausage involved :)
 If you've never been before, I highly recommend it. We decided at 6:30 PM on Friday that we were going to go out before prom. I thought we'd never get in to any restaurant, but we got on OpenTable, reserved a table for 8 and walked in the door and were immediately seated. Wow!
 I don't have any pictures from prom this year but it was at the Tyee Yacht Club in Eastlake and it was a great fun night dancing the night away. We actually had an class at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning (we visited the dermatology clinic and saw some patients with really rare skin disorders), so Tom and I called it a night at midnight. There was a photo booth but those photos aren't available yet. And, somehow I managed to go through a whole evening without documenting it with photos...

Saturday evening we were invited over to our friend Danny's house for dinner (well, to his parent's house in Kirkland where we took full advantage of their full kitchen and pre-dinner hot tub soak--it was wonderful!). He and Peter, also a friend from med school, ensured that we dined like royalty. Peter made lasagna, I made a spinach-strawberry-balsamic-almond salad....(mouthful) and we had a fruit salad and garlic french bread to boot! No pictures of people of course, just of the food :)
 It turns out the lasagna bubbled over quite a bit while we were soaking in the hot tub, so we had to try to "leave no trace" for Danny's mom and got in a little elbow grease-action before heading home. It was a team effort.
 Here's Tom coaching Peter on the best way to scrape off the burnt stuff. Perhaps a silicone oven liner should get mailed to Danny's mom as a thank-you for letting us destroy her oven?
 Then yesterday we decided to prep for the week. When Tom and I go to the gym in the morning it makes having nutritious and filling breakfasts really difficult. Well, I decided to do what I've done in the past but have been too lazy to do for a while: mass produce some breakfast wraps.
 14 eggs, an onion, a lot of veggies, potatoes, spinach and 10 tortillas later: we had a breakfast burrito for both of us for each day of the week.
 I was upset because Tom documented that I was still wearing my sweats at 11 AM on a Sunday, but that's what Sunday's are for right?

 Oh- and I decided to try out Tom's "onion goggles" tonight during dinner and Tom said he just had to document it, because they are just that cool

Good night Monday!
