Rain, Rain, Rain

As I sit here watching the US bobsled team in the Olympics, I am yet again serenaded by the sound of rain on our roof. It seems like it has been a constant sound track of our lives for the past week or so. It has been so rainy this week I can't believe that it snowed one week ago! We were able to get out and enjoy it last Saturday night. It was DUMPING! John and Bri (our neighbors and classmate that I mention frequently) came over and threw snowballs at our porch door until we came out to join them in the fun. 

Tom set to work on a snowman right away. 
And the final product was never really "final" in his eyes. It ended up being quite the little statue. 
 His nose was particularly well-crafted (in my opinion) and I thought their profiles were pretty funny.

 Eventually he even grew a mustache.

 We finally pulled Tom away from his masterpiece just to get him to start working on a different masterpiee-- snow art :). He started small with this stick-man, but ended up making a space needle at one point (it was too hard to photograph).
 Here he is, admiring his handiwork and you can see how hard it was snowing!
 I can't believe that it was snowing so hard. It made for a beautiful Sunday as we studied away. 

I was also working to complete my preferences for my third-year rotations. I will be rotating through Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, OB/Gyn, Surgery, Pediatrics, Psych as well as an elective. I haven't decided what I'm going to do for the elective but I don't have to decide that for a while. I was able to rank my preferences for all of these rotations out of all available sites in the whole WWAMI region. I have to spend (in theory) a total of 24 weeks OUTSIDE of Seattle over the next school year. There are only a certain number of available schedules/orders in which you can do your rotations.

Here's the locations and order what I hope to get:
Internal medicine in Seattle (this rotation is 12 weeks, from July 7 until September 26)
Psychiatry in Spokane (this location had particularly highly ranked) 
Surgery in Missoula (this will go until about mid-Dcember)
Pediatrics in Seattle at Children's
Elective (TBA)
OB/Gyn in Tacoma at Tacoma Women's Specialists
Family medicine in Seattle at a Group Health Clinic in Capitol Hill

I won't find out for a few months, so until then, I've got TONS to do. It's beginning to feel like I won't have tons to do until the day after my boards exam (June 28th). It's definitely been grinding me down and I've been so grateful for this 3-day weekend to take a moment to breathe. 

We have been scheduling our study time based on when the Olympic coverage is on this weekend and enjoying our snacks thanks to mom and dad :)

I head off on Thursday for Manhattan Beach, CA for the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference-- I am hoping that will be a welcome retreat from the rain (even if I do have to study for my endocrinology midterm on the following Monday...it never stops!).
