Post-finals fun

A LOT has happened since we got done with finals -- so much stuff that I haven't had the time to upload photos to update you all. 

First, while Tom was still studying (since he had finals after I got done), I joined John, Diana and Katie at the "north pole" for the Forgotten Children's Fund.
 We were assigned a family with four children and had plenty of wrapping to do to keep us busy!
It was a great success and fun to continue the tradition. I was so glad to have people willing to join me--I was about to go by myself since Tom was still studying!
 Look at all those donated presents!
 On the Sunday before Tom's last final, we couldn't wait for "Christmas" any longer--we had to dive in and unwrap the gifts Tom and I got for each other. Tom, of course, had no time to wrap so he put the gift bags we had in the closet to good use!
 Here is Tom modeling his new North Face hoody complete with enough fabric to cover up his chin in the cold weather.
Tom finished finals on Tuesday at 4:45 and by 8:00 we were at the airport and on our way to Missoula. We even got the Griz plane!
 The first day we had to start our trip out right by taking Peyton for a nice walk, especially because we won't get to have her over at our place in January like we usually do because of all of the construction.
Tom got to test out his new hoody-- it came in handy in the cold temperatures.
 Peyton is on a no-copper diet now since she's been diagnosed with Wilson's disease. So, when we went through the coffee drive through she couldn't cash in on the doggie-treats that they provide. She can have popcorn and she made sure to get to the few little kernels that were left in this bag. so cute!
We ran a few errands around town and ended up in this surgical supply store where Tom took a few laps around the place. I'm sure the owners of the store were thrilled.
 But who couldn't have fun in a store that stocks scooters and these suction-cup handle bars that look like over-sized telephones?
Back at home, dad tried out a recipe for a pastry he loved on his recent trip to Boston: lobster tails. It requires rolling out pastry dough REALLY thin and layering them. 
 Once you layer them, you roll them together and cut them into 1 inch sections. Then you spread them out, bake them and fill them.
Apparently they weren't as good as the ones in Boston but they were delicious.
 Tom got to enjoy a night of mystery and acting as he took on the role of Inspector Smithe.
My mom took on the role of Inya Chambers
 The look fits him don't you think?
My dad was the butler- Farnsworth- complete with vintage 1920's tuxedo.
 The following morning we set out for some good time in the woods. We took a nice jaunt to the Blodgett canyon overlook trail.
Here's Tom at the top with the incredible view.
 Peyton loved rolling around in the snow.
Aren't these just the cutest parents you ever saw!?
 We're cute, but not quite as cute...
She's pretty cute too :)
 Snap shot of Tom enjoying the view and crouching down to play with Peyton.
Serious fun.
 Dad braved the heights and took a post up on the boulders.
And Tom #2 followed suit.
 After the hike we were hungry so we stopped by the Montana-famouns Naps grill for some serious burgers. These things were HUGE!
 Today we hit the woods again for a day of cross country skiing.
We tried to fit us all on a group picture and this is the best we could get: )
 Here is the aftermath of the group photo.
After hitting the trails we drove over to Salmon lake which was frozen over and spent a little more time skiing around the lake.
 The snow was untouched and gorgeous.
Tom loved it!
 It was perfect snow angel conditions. Mom and Peyton took advantage.
And we finished off the day with a snow man complete with orange eyes and banana smile.
 Hot cocoa finished off the incredible day! So far, we're enjoying the time outdoors and the relaxation that comes from NOT studying all day everyday.
