Sports, house warmings and dental dams--oh and school too.

I got an email the other day reminding me to attend the next volleyball match and guess what I saw? Maybe a familiar face in the background between the excited players? It's like I'm famous :)-- it was breast cancer awareness night so I'm wearing pink under my purple shirt and Tom is there next to me.
 Speaking of volleyball, we had a 2 hour lecture on Thursday of last week for my "introduction to clinical medicine" course. But, rather than having a lecture on what it's like to maintain balance and wellness in our careers, they let us take 2 hours to go and do something for our wellness. Our assignment was to upload a photo of us maintaining our wellness. We hit the volleyball courts and had a blast!
 The next day we recruited a whole group of med students to attend the UW volleyball game on Friday night. It was great fun and a great win!

 Saturday night we joined our classmates for a wonderful even that I'm sure will be in our future's someday--but certainly not NOW...a house warming party! My classmate Barbara and her long-term boyfriend Ben just bought their first home in Seattle. I can't believe that they are at that stage since we are so clearly far from that, but it was fun to play "grown up" for a night.
 Kate and Becca brought the best voted house warming gift--a  GIANT bottle of wine :)
 The weekend kept rolling as we joined Bri and John at the youth shelter and cooked some breakfast for a full house of homeless youth. We wrapped breakfast up by 8 AM and then hit the books for the day, after all, I had yet another midterm yesterday.
 And then, a surprise hit on Tuesday while I was sitting with a group of students that were interviewing for UW med school. all of a sudden I heard a crunch. I thought it was a really tough peanut but it turns out my tooth cracked! ....surprise!.... I fortunately got into the UW dental clinic within 24 hours and got to don this amazing get-up while they fixed me up. Bet you couldn't find more attractive protective eye wear than these bad boys!
 As you can see from my xray there was a giant hole in my tooth (the metal bracket you see is what was holding in the dental dam). I had great care and it was the shortest commute to a dentist I've ever had -- it's about 500 feet from the med school library.
Who knows how much it's going to set us back, but it never fails that we have some sort of medical surprise. I just feel so incredibly blessed and fortunate to have access to amazing dental care right when I need it, regardless of how much it costs me-- not everyone has access to such things. and, I can tell you that UW dentists are GOOD at what they do. they recreated my tooth out of composite and you literally can't tell which tooth is the fixed one.
I missed out on 3 hours of lecture so I'm behind again at school. But beautiful crisp fall days are around us, and sometimes, you can't help but leap for joy. Thanksgiving is around the corner and we're ready to celebrate and relax.
