Brides and Dawgs

It's been a busy but fun weekend for us as we continue to plod along through the madness that is graduate school.

Saturday night the Dawgs took on Colorado in a night game. I donned my heated jacket (thanks Tom!) and we braved the spitting rain for the game.
I'll admit-sometimes I like watching "Dubs" more than the game--he's just so cute!
We were winning handily by half time so we went up to see if we could win ourselves some basketball tickets. Coach Lorenzo Romar was giving away 6 pairs of season tickets--we knew we couldn't go to very many games, but we could give the additional tickets away so we thought we'd go for it. But, it turns out that Lorenzo wasn't giving them out willy-nilly-- you had to buy a soda and certain cups were marked with winning stickers. So, we snagged a photo of the on-campus celebrity and called it good.
Since we were up by so many points (we ended up winning 59-7) and it was still persistently raining, we decided we would head home, beat the crowds, and watch the end of the game on TV, warm and dry. The bus system goes crazy on game day, so we made it easy on ourselves and took a Car2Go home. It was so convenient!
Then yesterday marked the day of my favorite (I think) charity event that we try to volunteer at every year: The Brides Against Breast Cancer gown sale.
It was in Bellevue this year. Sadly, this year the set-up was such that Tom wasn't able to be the "go-back" guy carrying all the dresses to and from the dressing room. Instead, he welcomed the anxious brides-to-be at the front door and tried to butter them up for good dress shopping moods.
I was back with the girls in the dressing room trying to help women decide if they could "say yes to the dress." It was so fun and such a treat to be a part of special moments like that. Plus it feels fun to be surrounded by tulle and giggles for an afternoon!
Thankfully Tom and I had the day off of classes today to continue to catch up on things--it feels like we're never winning against the battle of things to do. Particularly because all these things I submitted to for my summer research require follow-up submissions and things as the selection process continues. On that note, I won't just be standing in front of a poster at the student conference in Carmel, CA like I thought--I'll be giving an oral presentation there too. So, it turns out I'll have a nice run-through in front of my peers in January before I give my presentation at the MMVR conference in February!  I'm almost more nervous to speak in front of my peers...But I know I have the support of all of my family and particularly from Tom who continually amazes me with the amount of love and encouragement that can come from just one guy. Take for example the surprise I came home to last week after finishing my cardiovascular system final? Daisies and dinner! I'm so thankful for Tom and all he does to keep me sane, happy, warm and dry :)
