An Apple Cup to rule them all

After that lovely thanksgiving we had another amazing day! We won sideline tickets for pre-game at the Apple Cup and decided to make it a full day by first dining at Ivar's Salmon house for breakfast. They have an amazing breakfast with a "sail gaiting" experience afterward. We decided to cash in or $50 gift card that we got by filling out a customer satisfaction survey after dining there for "prom" night in March. Tom wanted to make a timeline of photos, so we'll start from the beginning. 

We decided to leave the cabin on Thanksgiving night instead of in the morning so we got to sleep in. Our day began at 7:30 and even though I slept in, Tom managed to get a photo that made me look half-dead.
We donned our Husky gear and were on the way to the restaurant by 8:15--Tom was REALLY excited. 
We got to Ivars and were surprised to see how long the line was outside the door since it didn't open until 8:30. 
We went inside and were gretaed by an amazing spread. 
There were so many things I can't even describe them all!

 But I discovered the best item of them all: 
 They even had an ice sculpture. We felt incredibly spoiled.

After we had literally stuffed ourselves to the brim we boarded the Queen Mary to head to the game. 
Up on arrival to the stadium we were greeted by the sports intern and provided our coveted sideline passes for the game. 
We entered the stadium through the main entrance (instead of the student entrance, it was weird) and then headed down to the field. 
We got to catch all of the warm ups, the special senior day celebration and the kick off while on the sidelines. 
And since we were on the field with two other friends from medical school, we were almost just as concerned with the med carts than the players :)
Even I got a little star struck
Tom even got to see and speak to a Husky legend, Warren Moon--we didn't want to bother him with an official photo so we just used the paparazzi approach instead and got "sneaky" photos. 
We returned to our seats that always have an amazing view. 
The huskies claimed a victory and then headed back to the boat for our return trip to Ivar’s. 
Then, it was time for a little Black Friday shopping. We hit up Target, Fred Meyer and the University Village.
But, we had such a short window of time to shop before the volleyball game started we had no choice (obviously) but to head to Dicks for dinner. (don’t judge us—we will abide by a normal caloric intake from here on out).

Then we headed to the volleyball match for another exciting match against WSU. 
We watched them ring in the victory and the Pac-12 Championship title. 
We finally made it home and were ready to pass out after such a long day. 
But first, we enjoyed a slice of apple pie – because how can you resist on Apple cup day? 
Good night all. Time for studying for finals and decorating the house for Christmas tomorrow!
