A truly glorious Thanksgiving

We had an incredible opportunity this week to join the family at an amazing cabin on Crystal mountain for Thanksgiving. We all drove up on Tuesday afternoon and Tom and I made sure to stop by the forest service station to pick up our one necessity: tree permits for cutting down the Christmas tree.

Tom and I were the first to arrive and we were greeted by an unexpected puppy who was fond of Tom's ability to throw the ball for him.
We played fetch until we tuckered the pup out and then began to settle into the cabin.
Look at the gorgeous cabin!   
As everyone started to arrive, the pups all settled in and we enjoyed a quiet evening at the cabin with constant reminders that we were in the wild outdoors by these elk hanging out just outside the windows.
 The next day we enjoyed some scrumptious doughnut holes and then headed out to the woods for the tree hunt 2013.
The weather was absolutely incredible at our usual spot with a little different view than last year since there was no snow.
It was so warm we all were able to shed our coats and walk up and down the mountain with t-shirts on!
Tom found our tree rather quickly, but I was nervous to pull the trigger too quickly so we had to romp around the mountain a bit more before I approved of the kill :)
While wandering, Katie and Diana found the winner for their house too.
Diana did the honors:
At this point I was able to finally say yes to the tree.

It was a successful tree hunt for sure!

And look who was waiting for us when we got home.

Now that the tree hunt was over, it was time to get baking. And, yet again, we got to bake with the elk :) 

 And of course, after the baking, we all settled down with a puzzle. Okay, I settled down with a puzzle :)
 Ann, Paul and Julia joined us on Thursday and the no-shave-November team was in full force. What do you think?
 Tom and Julia comprised our mashed potato team again and they outdid themselves this year!
 Paul and Julia had a bet and Julia won, forcing Paul to wear the Easter Washington T-shirt instead of a Griz one...He's thrilled can't you tell?
 After dinner we all settled in for the annual turkey trivia.
 And the winner was-- Ann!
An amazing holiday was had by all!
