Pumpkins, costumes and parties-- oh my!

I wasn't sure we were going to, but we made time to carve pumpkins on Friday night with my fellow classmate and our neighbor, Bri and John.
As usual, Tom got serious with the carving madness and felt he could only create his masterpiece with the aid of a powered drill....
Thanks to my dad's inspiration, I made a rough outline of a rib cage (NOT anatomically correct) with an accidental rib fracture that required repair. It was a rough night for our pumpkins!

....but everything came out OK! :)
Here you can see the final products:
Deanna's rib cage with heart silhouette
Tom's angry pumpkin with eye patch and cigar (that was lit with a separate candle)
Bri's moonlit mountain scene
John's spider web, complete with separate spider!
The group of masterpieces.

Then on Saturday night, Tom let me us skip out on the Husky game that was taking place at 8 PM (I didn't want to stand out in the cold) and we went to a class-wide Halloween party instead. 

Tom and I dressed up as two characters form one of our favorite TV shows: Sheldon and Amy from The Big Bang Theory. 

Even if you haven't seen the show, can you see the resemblance?

It turns out that NO ONE had/does watched(s) the show, so we we ended up being called a librarian and a retired green lantern man, but oh well.  The party hosts went ALL OUT with the decor--they transformed the basement into a horror film set basically--it was crazy! 
I can't believe how in depth they went!

so realistic--it was creepy!

Abe Lincoln

The host of disney princesses with satiric signs to complete their look

Macho Man Randy Savage
Duck, or chicken, you decide
A fraggle
can you believe the home-made scissor hands?
       I'm heading into another rough study week. It's already time for my next final on Monday--the cardiovascular system final. I feel much less ready for this one than I did for  the urinary system final...but I've still got 5 full days....deep breath, here we go again! Happy Halloween everyone!
No character in particular, just an amazing box plane! 
