October craziness

Well, just as predicted, October (and the end of September) has turned out to be a doozy for both of us. Between races, classes with midterms and finals and illness we've had our fair share of things to keep us busy!

First off, we celebrated Tom's birthday a few days late. We enjoyed dinner at Mama's Mexican which was DELICIOUS! It was no El Toro, but it was really really good. I revealed to Tom before we ordered what his birthday present was, and he was so stunned he couldn't even remember the name of his favorite dish: fajitas! 
Soon after, the moment Tom has been waiting for months finally arrived: the Tough Mudder. He and his team set out to complete the rigorous 12.5 mile event with an obstacle every half mile or so. It was grueling from what I could tell and Tom even said it was harder than he thought it was going to be. I happily dropped off the warm and dry crew in the morning then headed to a coffee shop to study for my midterm for my urinary system class. 
Four hours later I returned to the muddy crew and laughed as they showed off their mud. By the way--that long sleeve shirt Tom is wearing used to be white!

I laughed even more as they all hosed off with everyone--and they PAID to do this??  my husband is  crazy! 
Since that time I passed my urinary system midterm and subsequently passed the final exam and now I've moved on to the cardiovascular system. I'm getting lost in heart sounds, sitting with an app on my iphone trying to differentiate between murmurs of aortic stenosis or mitral regurgitation. It's so interesting, but I feel so inadequate in my abilities to ascertain it all! I feel like I need to take 2 years to learn all of this but I've only got 3 more weeks until the final for that class, with a midterm on Monday...Tom's heading into midterms too....It just keeps rolling. 

So, it's a good thing I've got the support of all you! I was thrilled to come home to an AMAZING care package with tons of my favorites--including fresh apples from green bluff and caramel sauce!
Oh, and don't forget the oreos,
and the cutest pumpkin of all time! Thanks mom and dad-- we might  not make it to the patch this year so at least we have a pumpkin!
We also made it to the football game against Oregon on Saturday. It was a black out game but I managed to only get a picture of the band lining up and not a picture of us all blacked out in our Husky gear. 
Last but not least--it's official, I've been accepted to give an oral presentation at the Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conference in February in Manhattan Beach, CA. Here's the picture from my iphone of the confirmation email with my name listed on the site--I couldn't believe my eyes!

My I have been registered for the conference ($430 paid for by the department of urology--whew!) and I have a travel agent booking my flights for me so all I have to do is show up at the airport! I didn't even think that travel agents still existed in this day and age (well, except for my mother who could rock anything this travel agent finds for me) but I feel so incredibly spoiled! I just have to make it through this fall quarter, not to mention prepare a presentation! Nervous, excited, aaa! 
