Quick update

A lot of pictures and not a lot of words (I know, it's what you've all been waiting for right?) It's been a WHIRLWIND of 2 weeks.

The second football game was gorgeous and we had a ton of fun.

And this was by far the cutest fan!

We got spoiled by that weekend and this past weekend we made up for it by being DUMPED on.
First, Tom set out with his teammates for the Tough Mudder (which happens this Sunday by the way) and went for a nice, long, muddy and soggy run. They even looked happy when they got back (even though they jumped in the lake!)

I swear it never stopped raining the entire day!

Here was our "tailgate" for the game:
I'm so overwhelmed by school right now but I'm plugging through and still grateful to be here. And, it helps when you get a little love from family from afar. I got an amazing surprise from Kristi this past week-- a care package that made my week so much more tolerable!

And then tonight, my small group that I used to see on a weekly basis in first year (but haven't seen as a collective group during second year) got together to enjoy a family-style meal of indian food. I feel even more behind in my studies, but so grateful that I got to catch up with these wonderful people and realize--I'm not alone in feeling overwhelmed! We all are, and we will never feel ahead of the game so we may as well stop and breathe and share a meal together once in a while.

Lots of love, Deanna
