The Last Day of Summer

Well, it's the last day of summer today--for Tom anyway. He starts classes tomorrow for his first year of law school at Seattle U. They call the first year of law school "hell one" so we'll see how the schedule shapes up for him. Since he did his criminal law class this summer he only has 4 instead of 5 classes to take this fall so it should make it a little more bearable. Supposedly it will be like this:

I start orientation this Tuesday-Friday. Most of my orientation will be spent getting to know the students that are in my class but that I've never met before because they were out in "WWAMI-land" for the first year. We've got a lot of ice breakers and then to end off the week, lots of discussions about the thing that is looming over all of our heads: the boards. We will take the boards at the end of the second year before starting the clinical part of our medical degree, the clerkships. As far as the Raven project is concerned, I'm as done as I can be with the project right now. Then, I'm looking ahead to three big things related to it.

1. I'll find out in late September if I was accepted to the "Medicine Meets Virtual Reality" Conference in Manhattan Beach, CA in February.

2. I just submitted to be considered for a place at the "Western Student Medical Research Forum" in Carmel, California the 23rd of January. This conference is paid for by UW (everything except for food) and it's something that is highly represented by UW school of medicine.

3. Lastly, I will be submitting a manuscript for publication in the Journal of Urology (since Dr. Lendvay is a urologist) and that will be due in October/November ish. Basically, I will also submit to go to that conference in Orlando, FL in May and if selected, I have two weeks after being notified of selection to submit the manuscript for publication in the journal. The paper is basically written, but there are still some missing pieces that are outside of my control. (it comes down to when Dr. Lendvay and a few other surgeons have time to watch the videos I've mentioned before in previous blog posts). Now, I'm a little concerned because the date of the conference in Orlando is right during what I assume to be finals week (they haven't posted the schedule online yet) so I'm not sure how that's going to work out....

So, with all of that weighing over us, we tried to forget the upcoming stress by getting outdoors. Yesterday was the "Big Day of Play" at Magnuson Park and we yet again golfed and juggled and corn-holed our way to free food at the PCC Market food truck (the most delicious grilled corn I've ever had!).
Then this morning we set out to catch a glimpse of the newly renovated Husky Stadium by walking to the Waterfront Activities Center and renting a canoe.
If you recall, we did this almost exactly one year ago. Here was the view last year:

And this year: 

Amazing what a difference a year can make huh?

We had a great time rowing around the bay and having a picnic lunch.

We returned to land just in time to get an email on my phone telling us it was time to pick up our t-shirts for being season ticket holders. The countdown on the side of the stadium that has been counting down the summer has finally reached below the the number 7. It's 6 days until the first Husky Football game!
