August showers

After an entire month without rain in Seattle, we actually kind of welcomed the rain the past few days....well, except that it happened to fall on the one day that really mattered in the lives of two friends: Geoff and Jessica. They got married on Friday and the rain didn't stop just for them. They were getting married at 4 pm in Olalla, WA so we thought that leaving Seattle by 2:30 would get us there in plenty of time....well, we seem to have bad luck these days getting to events when we want to. Two weeks ago it took us 4 hours to get to Bremerton for Jim and Darcy's anniversary party and Friday it took us 2 hours and 45 minutes to go what was supposed to be a 1 hr 10 minute drive! 
Once we got to the venue, we realized that there was a parking lot for all the cars parked up above the wedding venue. There were instructions at the lot to text for a shuttle down to the venue.
Well, we texted and waited and got no response for a solid 5 minutes, so we looked up the location of the venue online and saw it was only 0.2 miles away. So, a little hill with mud on us never stopped us before. But what are we to do when it's drizzling and we're holding a big wedding gift? 

Cover it with a jacket and walk down the hill of course!

It was a gorgeous walk down the hill and we arrived at the beautiful scene for the wedding (that of course, was over).
The happy couple had to learn to just go with the flow--the tables were moved at the last minute into the much too small house, but not fast enough (everything was soaked) but it didn't break their spirit.

The cake was safe under cover, complete with dinosaur toppers
The dollar dance continued without a hitch
and they had a wonderful fire pit to keep warm at.
As we watched the newly married couple we couldn't help but think about how it's been almost 4 years since our wedding does time fly faster the older you get?
Oh and I've got some other news to report. I was asked on Tuesday by Dr. Lendvay if I thought I could get a submission ready by Thursday to be considered for a conference in February. I thought I could make it happen, but it was going to be tough since we hadn't even started data analysis yet. I started to get to work on submitting something to be considered for a poster presentation. When Dr. Lendvay learned that I was shooting for a poster session he said to me: "Deanna, posters are for peewee's. You are an expert in this area now and you're not shooting for a poster, you're shooting for the lectern." At which point I said: "Well, I'll work on changing my submission and on growing a bigger head." He laughed, we hung up and what commenced what pure madness.

Submitting to be considered for a lecture required a much more detailed submission and I wasn't sure I could swing it. Fortunately, I have an amazing statistician of a husband who can make sense of HUGE data files that look like this:
So, after basically pulling an all-nighter on Wednesday night.....we were far from done and I was starting to lose hope. (oh and by the way, Tom has his summer class final on Tuesday next week--so it's not like he has anything else going on). Thankfully, we got an extension so we were able to submit on Friday.

Amazingly, we pulled it off. I submitted it at 2 PM just before we left for the wedding: "Raven Surgical Robot Training in Preparation for Da Vinci Use: a Randomized Prospective Trial." I don't think I've ever been as happy to see a PDF of a paper on my computer screen.
I will find out by the end of September if I was selected and if so, I'll be giving a lecture at the 2013 NextMed Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conference in Manhattan Beach, California, February 20-22nd. Whew! Oh, and it will be the first my first publication as a "Glassman" and  to top it all off, it will be a "Glassman and Glassman" paper since Tom's an author on it too. How amazing is it that?

I think my new slogan is going to be "posters are for peewees" to remind myself, that I shouldn't limit myself to low hanging fruit, but I should shoot for bigger things, bigger dreams and just maybe I'll get there! 

And speaking of big dreams-- can you believe the size of nutella that they are selling at Costco? I saw this today while shopping and I could not believe it, I thought it was a joke! Especially because they're still selling the regular sized ones right next to them.Could you even open that with one hand?
 Happy August!
