A weekend in the Yak

What a gorgeous weekend in Yakima! It was HOT, but gorgeous. We stopped on our way at the famous Thorpe fruit stand for some delicious donut peaches-- my personal favorite. 

We arrived in town just in time for the thunderstorm to set in. The Yakima Herald published that there were over 10,000 lightning strikes that night. We were trying to capture them on camera and sadly, this is the best picture we got of the fabulous show.
Our first morning we were treated to something very special that you only get once in a blue moon when someone you know is willing to part with a precious harvest: huckleberry pancakes! We enjoyed them on the patio in gorgeous 80 degree heat.
After fueling up we were read to burn it off and we headed up to Round Mountain for a 5.2 mile hike. 

It wasn't easy but it was so worth it for the views at the top!

On our drive back home we stopped by the big lake pictured here: Clear lake. It lived up to its name!

The thunderstorm the night before lit a few fires and we got a front row look at the helicopter set out to put them out. 
It was a fantastic trip catching up with friends and it ended too quickly. Unfortunately, the trip home was kind of uncomfortable -- we hit major traffic. 
So, as if to keep our streak of overly long trips of the summer of 2013, it took us 4.5 hours to get home (a trip that should have taken 2.5)...we're really on a streak now!
