Tom Hanks

It just so happens that two of my classmates, Anna and Hilary, share a birth date with Tom Hanks. So clearly it was obvious that we should celebrate with a Tom Hanks themed party. And that's just what happened. We were all instructed to dress up like any one of the characters from any of the films of Tom Hanks.

We headed out to Goodwill to get inspired on what to do for our costumes. We found this antique Cubs jersey and we had it-- we were going to be Tom Hanks and one of the players from "A League of Their Own." In case you don't remember what the characters looked like-- it was a movie about an all female baseball team: The Rockford City Peaches.
With a little felt, fabric paint, safety pins, tape and some creativity, we had our outfits set.
And, because I'm kind of known for Challah bread at school, I decided to make some themed bread.
One of Tom Hanks' most famous lines from the film is "There's no crying in baseball!" Everytime someone walked into the party and saw our costumes for the first time we were greeted with that line. And so we had to play along. 
