Photos from Tom's phone

It's not often that we take pictures with Tom's phone because then I have to track him down to upload them to the blog like I did this time.

Here are some more random photos from our miscellaneous activities the past few weeks. 

First, our lovely host for the 4th of July this year,
 Judy-Ann Ranck. 
The group of "siblings" on the deck with "mom". Tom, Morgan, Judy Ann, Me and Katie 
This week was the first night of movies in the park. We joined John Huffstetler (the boyfriend of my classmate Brianna who is currently Vietnam doing a public health project) for the movie "Moonrise Kingdom."

The last time we were in downtown, we were near Pike's place for an improv-comedy night and I think it was the first time that we saw Pikes completely empty for the night. 
This is a terrible photo of me, but for those of you who haven't been to Seattle for a while, you can see the "great wheel" in the background, the newest tourist attraction in downtown. a
