A weekend away

Well, I just returned from a wonderful trip home to Montana. Kristi documented it all on Facebook, but I’m going to repeat it all here because I’ve learned that having a blog is kind of like having an annotated photo album and it’s nice to have all of life’s events documented in one place!
Finals ended for me last week on Thursday at 3 PM and I was on a flight by 4:15 PM headed home. 

The weekend was full of good food, good company and good times. We started off the weekend right by meeting up with grandma and Kaylee for lunch and coffee (really, we do more than just eat when we see each other!)
To celebrate a combination of birthdays, later mother's day and early father's day, we went to Red Bird, probably our favorite restaurant of all time. I won't try to describe the level of deliciousness, just trust me that it was scrumptious. 

We stopped for a quick photo opp in the old phones at the restaurant lobby then enjoyed a nice evening walk together.
 Since Peyton couldn't join us in the restaurant, we let her join in on the festivities for dessert at Dairy Queen (one of the few items that she's actually allowed to eat because it has a low copper content). 
The next morning Kristi and I watched our all-star-cousin Scott win his baseball game 
The sun was out and we had to work off our dinner, so then we headed out for a hike with the family and the pups to Morrell Falls.

 And, to keep things consistent, stopped off for some ice cream after that too! (I mean, who can turn down a 25 cent baby cone like this one?)
After our scooby snack, we headed back home to meet up with the whole gange for dinner--an even larger crowd than what is to be expected during the holidays at the mansion. 
On our last day, we also got to see our "long lost" cousin Tim who we haven't seen for what seems like years! After a few rounds of group solitare with the Malikie family, I think he's happy to be our cousin and not our brother :)
  Oh, and Dad's new toys arrived while we were there too-- scuba gear for their vacation this January! Who knew these two would get into diving? But now they have their own, reliable and safe gear to take with them to enjoy their hard earned vacation.
It was such a wonderful way to cap the end of my first year of medical school. And, it's good to know that while I'm on my way to becoming a medical professional, I'm not too busy to stop and be goofy now and then with some bug-eyed fun.
 Now the summer project begins. I head into the lab for training tomorrow to learn how to use the Raven and da Vinci robot systems. Today was spent getting organized and advertising for the study on facebook and email. I have spent ALL day responding to excited and interested subjects- a big relief as it seems like it won't be too difficult to get a decent number of volunteers! And what would a project of mine be without a file folder box organized with labeled folders and the like? It's so reminiscent of the project I completed in undergrad--here's to hoping it goes as smoothly as that did! Happy summer everyone!
