First picnic of the summer

It's not summer yet for Tom. And, come to think of it, even when it is "summer" he won't have but 2 days before he starts his first law school class. He's doing a similar program to what I did for medical school and taking his criminal law class over the summer to lighten his load in the Fall. But, that means he finishes his last final on Friday of this upcoming week and he starts law school after the all-too-short weekend.

But, in the midst of all that, we enjoyed the gorgeous 75+ degree day we had last weekend. I stole him away from his studious computer time over to Magnusson Park for a picnic lunch.

The sunny weather was topped of last week by the inheritance of our friends from med school Brianne and John (who live in the apartment complex right next to ours). They were out of town this week so we got to enjoy their crop share of fresh veggies for the week.

Things are getting all set up to go with The Raven Project too. I don't have any photos just yet, but I'm gaining ground on my skills with the robot and I should be ready to start testing subjects within the next 7-10 days. This is the view right outside the Electrical Engineering building where the Raven robot "lives" -- it's a nice change from the drab hallways of some of the medical buildings.

It's a slow process getting everything coordinated but a lot of work behind the scenes! (and yes, I do try to fit my background research work into my choice of scenery which will definitely include a blanket and a pillow by the waterfront in the sun! Don't judge me! :).
For now, suffice it to say, I've got a lot of meetings with the experts and notes in my handy new "official" lab notebook.  
