There's always a first time for everything

Brace yourself--this is a lot of words without a lot of photos...

Several years ago I remember reading my sister's blog about her first experiences with the physical exam when in PA school. I laughed right along with her as she explored the "wonders" of the rectum. I remember reading about the search for small walnut shaped prostate, hoping not to find a boggy mush that is concerning for disease but wondering to herself something along the lines of "you mean it isn't all supposed to feel like boggy mush?"

Well, today was my day folks. We all knew it was coming, but you just can't believe it until you do it. Putting on gloves and being instructed "you can never use too much lube" is not necessarily what I had in mind when I thought about applying to medical school. And yet, I felt honored, as odd as that might sound. Of course I also felt awkward, humbled, nervous and anxious too.

Today we learned the male genital/urinary and rectal examination. We have amazingly willing standardized patients/models that allow us to test out our newly learned skills on them (repeatedly), all under the watchful eye of 4th year students who distinctly remember this moment for themselves. As I walked out of that exam room today having done something I had never done before, I felt an odd sense of gratitude, achievement, and humility. I have so much to learn but I'm getting there, day by day.

In other news, things are winding down (and up) for me right now. Finals are at the end of this month, and that will wrap up my first year of medical school. yikes! But, one day at a time.

Last weekend we decided to finally utilize the "fill a seat" membership that Tom got me for Christmas. Basically different events that don't sell out in the Seattle area give their tickets to this organization and we can go for free. We've always been unable to go because the events that don't sell out are inevitably on the weekdays  but there was a comedy show in Tacoma on a Sunday night and we decided to go. It was always on my list of things to do in Tacoma and it was a much classier place than I thought it would be. And, while I felt that there was more studying I needed to get done (because that is ALWAYS how I feel) it was a fabulous date night and a good way to get our minds off of the daily grind.

Now it's time to dive back into an evening of studying. I'm in microbiology right now so I'm learning all the fun infections that we avoid everyday because of our healthy immune systems and am continually amazed that we're all still alive!
Hugs from Tom and I to you all.
