Getting organized before law school

I(Tom) have decided to go through a life re-organization before law school cutting some things out of my daily routine in order to (attempt to) indelibly impress my time things which will get me to "where I want to be."

This phrase, "where I want to be" may be a bit of a misnomer and I am sure be ensnared in difficulty in regards to this goal.

However, I am dedicated to disabusing myself of the vestiges of a collegiate search for meaning which has been changing for some time.  I don't feel this is a "cold turkey" change but rather a single step in the long walk on a winding path. 

remove Facebook without removing human contact
create or find a hobby which enriches my academic passions
commit myself to the pursuit of knowledge as well as grades (previously seen as somewhat dichotomous) 
don't just exercise, train. 

this is by no means an exhaustive list.  However, it is accurate to say these are the four things I've had on my mind of late and while the list will surely grow, these are the things I've set to focus on in the next month (and hopefully beyond).  Each goal has small sub goals (ie, develop a note taking system that better aids wrote memorization, etc). 

While Deanna and I share the sentiment "I'm note quite sure what I want to be yet."  We both feel it's getting more clear everyday as we decide what we DON'T want to do.  Deanna doesn't like psychiatry, I don't like accounting.  We both appreciate all the support we've received so far, it helps distract from the student loans :)

Life notes -

 - We re-signed our one year lease to live in the same place for another year with a $55 bump in rent.  Deanna would say it isn't ideal but it has certainly has become "home."

- I've officially signed up for my first law school class beginning this summer, "criminal law."  The library had the book (used) for 160 bucks - Deanna found it for 7 dollars (with shipping).  She is AMAZING!

- My dad is feeling better and has been moved to a care facility where he has been doing physical therapy after his stroke.  He should be able to get out later this week.  His left leg is still feeling weak but he has been able to walk and go up and down stairs without assistance.

- My grandma (grammy) has moved into her assisted care facility after getting a full hip replacement after falling in her concrete garage.  She purchased an apartment at a senior living center in Seattle where she will move into once her strength is back.  Which may come sooner than we thought, to the shock of the physical therapist, Grammy walked 75 feet just 3 days after surgery, "The first time he had ever seen that."

- Deanna is almost done with her first year of medical school, finishing finals on Thursday and flying back home to Montana which she is very excited about. 
