Serendipitous moments

I was late to class today because I left my seat warmer plugged in to the car charger in the truck....blonde I had to take the bus to class while Tom stayed behind to jump the truck

As I hustled in and quietly took my seat (10 minutes after lecture started), I received a text message from a classmate that my favorite author, Mary Roach, was going to be in Seattle tonight. So, despite the fact that I was late to class....I added insult to injury. While listening to a lecture about the pain pathway in neuroanatomy, I was a "bad student" that was clicking around the internet, buying my $5 ticket online to go see her.

I own all of her books and Tom even surprised me by pre-ordering her book that just came out called "Gulp" so that I got it two days after its release. 
I hopped on a bus to the Town Hall and settled in for a night of laughter and wonder of the human body (from the front of the auditorium no less).
I didn't have my book with me for her to sign, just my backpack from school--so she signed my neuroanatomy notes from class today instead! And, as luck would have it, I had space right next to my embarrassingly rough sketch of a "sacral sparing" spinal cord injury where a patient would lose sensation in most areas of their body EXCEPT the perianal region--for an author who just wrote about the path of food from mouth to anus, what could be more perfect? As you can see, she took full advantage of the opportunity and reminded me that the rectum is "where it's at!" followed by the easiest signature in the world to forge :)
Living in Seattle has its perks sometimes! There's always time to study later right?
