Spring is here

Tom and I spent my final hours of spring break (and the first few hours of his) enjoying the Woodland Park Zoo because there were lion cubs there for us to see! I didn't get a good picture of  those, but we did see some pretty cute bears. How can something so big and mean be so cute?
oh, and of course, the infamous peacock that just roams around wherever it pleases.
Then, after my first week of class which is always a tough week, I was looking forward to a good cap on the end of it. Friday marked a momentous occasion for me, my first "prom." The med school was hosting what was officially called the Spring Gala but what everyone referred to it as was Med Prom.
It was at the Shilshole Bay Beach Club, a beautiful venue. After a long search at all the neighborhood Goodwill stores, I decided I was too nervous to get a really "prom-y" dress with rhinestones like this one because I wasn't sure how my classmates were treating the occasion

So, I found a nice little black cocktail length dress. Seven bucks later and I was ready for prom :)

Friday finally arrived and Tom and I headed out for a lovely dinner. He wanted to make it like prom and get me a corsage, but I said no (I'm no fun I guess). We enjoyed some fantastic salmon and halibut with a gorgeous Seattle skyline view before heading off to the dance.
And here's the part where I started feeling really old. The prom started at 9pm so we finished dinner around 8:50 and decided we would head over since it would take us a while to get there. We arrived at 9:15 thinking that this was still fashionably late---but apparently the times have changed since we last were "fashionably late" to an event. We were met with an EMPTY but gorgeous venue. We were the old couple that showed up early....
But, we got first crack at the photo booth I guess. (sorry, I'm cheating the copyright so you can see them..)

 After an embarrassingly long 25 minutes, everyone else showed up. Literally, it was 25 minutes before the masses showed up. 
But we had a good time with "old" friends, talking to new friends and talking to random "strangers" from the second year class that I've never seen before. 
Plus, a few folks were inspired by Tom and I coming to the ball in Spokane that they made the trek over to Seattle for our dance. All in all, a good night and a good start to the quarter!
Speaking of school, we start learning all the "real" doctoring stuff this week :). A big package arrived from Amazon this week; not big in size but big in significance I suppose. It was my first ophthalamoscope, otoscope and sphygmomanometer (aka blood pressure cuff). Here is what Tom is going to be seeing a lot of in the next few weeks as I learn how to use them (kind of scary huh?)
 After looking at Tom's tympanic membranes and retina, I guess you could say I'm ready for week two of spring quarter.
But, not before I spent some much needed R&R in the sun. It was nearly 70 degrees today and SUNNY. A PB&J picnic was just what we needed as Tom winds down his Spring break. This duck wanted to join our picnic--he was a little too close for comfort in my opinion.
As I always say this time of year- this is why we live in western Washington!
