Small Group

I told you all last time that I had an amazing small group of classmates that I meet with once a week for one of my courses. Well, now I have photo proof of how amazing we all are :)

I thought you might enjoy some of the photos that Tom took of us while we were at my small group leader's home for dinner (the one where we celebrated Maria's American citizenship). It never fails that if Tom comes to a medical school even with me, he ends up being the photographer of the night.

Really, these photos are being posted for me, so that 10 years (or more) from now I can look back on this blog and see all the young faces of the next generation of physicians whether they be silly, happy or just plain candid. There are far too many of them, you can just scan the first few and get the gist, but Tom was in a "snap photos while they talk and laugh" kind of moment, so there's a ton and I thought I'd like to see them all in the future :)!
