How a month flies by

January is over and it feels like it just started! We've had a lot to do this month (pretty much just studying) but we've had a lovely companion to do it with! Peyton is so much fun to have around the house and we're enjoying our time with her --and her cute faces when she wants a banana-treat! (Sorry for those of you who already saw this on Facebook).

 Last weekend (or maybe it as two weeks ago...I can't remember), we checked out the UW gymnastics team. It was crazy to see it in person and not just on the Olympics or something. The gym had quite a different look and feel than it does for volleyball or basketball games.
 Once again, we got another set of free t-shirts, but they just have a surplus of these "dawg pack" t-shirts left over from football season, so we always end up giving ours away to a kid in the crowd. But, this time they were also giving away $5 coupons for the concession stand. So, a hot dog in hand and a front row seat of the action, we watched in awe as they twirled and jumped and swung from the bars.
 Here's one girl on the beam, arguably (to me at least) the hardest event.
Here's my personal favorite--the uneven bars. And below that is a little video clip of the vault performance (if the link works). Pretty amazing!
Now that January is over and February is here, we're going to have to say goodbye to this adorable face! We have one week left with her and soo much to get done during that time!
