Ringing in the new year

We woke to a beautifully sunny 2013 morning today. And, what a better way to spend the first day of the year than to get out and get some fresh air, some exercise, some sun and some chili! The Glassman's took over as volunteers for the Resolution Run 5K in Magnuson Park. Prior to the race we manned the chili-feed tests and were stirring up a storm, prepping the chili for the masses after the race.
 Volunteers were instructed to wear orange or blue, so Tom had a good excuse to sport his Dick's T-shirt that I almost never let him wear :)
 Once the chili was sufficiently warmed to health department standards, Tom and I were off to the starting line. Sadly, I didn't run with my phone, so you don't get to see the amazing number of people present at the starting line, but here's a snapshot after the finish. Tom, being the crazy brave one, participated in the "wet run" and I gladly chickened out to stay dry. During the last 200 meters, Tom and I parted ways and he ran into the icy cold water. The sun was out, but it was only 35 degrees outside, so I have no idea how cold that water really was! I enjoyed the sun in my dry clothes thank you very much!
 As soon as we grabbed a sip of water and took off our chip timers, we were back to the tent to rejoin the rest of the family as they were quickly passing out chili to the masses!
 Fortunately, there was just enough left at the end that we all got to share a little bit in the feast. It was a great start to the day. Now, since school starts tomorrow, I've got TONS to do, but I figured I'd take a few minutes before I dive into the textbooks just to make sure that this fun event was documented.
 Oh, and prior to the new year, I also had a fun ladies night out on the town. Here we are crammed into the elevator of the W hotel. My classmate Kendra's mom was given a suite to the hotel as a gift with her co-workers, but sadly all of her friends had the flu. So, she gave the suite to Kendra. As you can tell from the looks on our faces, we didn't mind using a suite in an upscale hotel for a night! Happy New Year everyone!
