Fainting Goat

Today marked the last day of classes for me and the last day of finals for Tom. So, while I still have another week to plod through, Tom is all done with his first quarter and I’m all done with learning new material for this quarter and we thought that was a reason to celebrate. We finally put to good use a lovely gift from my mom and dad that we received a LONG time ago. We had a groupon coupon to use at Fainting Goat gelato.
This picture blurs out the words on the sign but I thought that even just the outline of it was so adorable!

It was a BUSY place on a Friday evening but it was totally worth the wait. 
Maybe when my parents get here in January before they fly off to Honduras we can come back for some gelato espresso shakes? What do you think mom and dad?
We had to use the whole certifcate at once, so we walked away with a pint of caramel to enjoy later! Yum!
