Break-time fun

Finishing finals is old news for Tom, but not for me. I finished my last final on Wednesday. To celebrate the close of my first quarter of medical school, Tom and I joined some of my classmates (who still had a final on Friday but decided they too could take the night off) and we headed off to "Candy Cane Lane" in the Wallingford neighborhood in Seattle. It's a cute little street that gets into the holiday spirit with lots of lights. First, we met up at a a classmate's home for hot cocoa then walked as a unit to the lane :). 

An adorable polar bear--maybe the Coca Cola bear?
The next day, Tom and I had an unusual basketball game to attend. Seattle University vs University of Washington. We weren't sure how to dress, but we decided to sport our own schools. Who knew purple and red could look so good together? :)
 Then, this morning we continued the holiday spirit by heading off with the whole family to the north pole for the now-annual (at least while we live in Seattle) day of wrapping gifts at Santa's Workshop for the Forgotten Children's Fund.
Ann and Diana set to work separating the list of our family of 11-- whew!
Tom, looking like a creepy man, but really wrapping some Lego's for a 6-year old
Julia - ensuring that her teen would be stylish this winter.
All the donated toys we got to choose from
The whole crew after a project well done.
 Now for a weekend of more family Christmas celebrations before we head back to Montana. We are looking forward to all the memories to come!
