A very merry Christmas

Because of Facebook, you’ve all probably seen the photos from our Christmas adventures in Montana, but for those of you that are not Facebook savvy, this post is for you. 

We enjoyed an early Christmas in Seattle at Grammy Jean’s house where we enjoyed a lovely meal and a great time exchanging gifts. Grammy was outfitted with warmth this season as you can see:
We flew into Missoula on 12/18 and immediately began our Christmas celebration in the snow in Montana. We went out to get a fresh Christmas tree in the woods (sorry, no photos from the hunt).
I got to meet the newest member of the family, baby Owen, my cousin Tyler’s son that was born in October. 
Then we headed off to Billings to enjoy Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Kristi and Tyrell and their adorable pups, Baily and Kelty. We were welcomed into their gorgeous new home that they magically put together for us before our arrival. Grandma and I settled in quite quickly to the warmth by the fire. 
Peyton had a great time hanging out with her friends and we all enjoyed a wonderful 48 hours together.
And what Malikie Christmas would it be without a home remodel or upgrade to be completed? The boys installed the new Christmas gift for Kristi and Tyrell’s kitchen while the rest of us relaxed and took photos.
It was COLD in billings, but we went out for a walk on Christmas Day and depending on which device you consulted it was anywhere from 0-13 degrees outside. Here we all are at the beginning of the walk before it got insanely exciting. Bailey ran into the frozen river and fell off the edge of the ice and was clinging on for dear life! Tyrell jumped straight in a saved Bailey from the river current but not without sacrificing his warm dry feet…Tom hopped in too and tried to assist. Both had frozen pants, shoes and toes. In all the action, I didn’t have time to take a picture, but I’m sure you can use the power of imagination. 
 On the way back from Billings, we stopped in Drummond, MT for a bite to eat—Parker’s Burgers. They are home to a menu that boasts “101” different burgers. Let’s just say, they were delicious.
Upon arriving back in Missoula again, we gathered with the rest of the family for dinner (yes we had dinner after eating the above burgers...we have vowed to never eat again!). And, of course, Owen was obviously the center of attention. How could he not be? He certainly charmed grandma with his smiles and giggles:
In our last few days we enjoyed the snow together and had a moment to play on the jungle gym while on a walk with Peyton. We’re never too old to play on the playground! We fly back to Seattle tomorrow and then we’ll be gearing up for the new quarter…it’s going to be intense and I have certainly enjoyed the break! Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year to everyone!
